Central Bank: Specialized banks loans will be distributed to beneficiaries during the month

Central Bank: Specialized banks loans will be distributed to beneficiaries during the month

11/6/2016 18:05

Central Bank - Specialized banks loans will be distributed to beneficiaries during the month{Baghdad} Euphrates News general manager of banking and credit control in the Iraqi Central Bank Ihsan al-Shammari, announced that the bank will begin the distribution of agricultural and industrial loans and housing to beneficiaries during the month.
He said al – Shammari told {Euphrates News} ” The Central Bank initiative to support small and medium enterprises and support for the agricultural and industrial sectors, housing, fired at the first two stages and one trillion Iraqi dinars , and the second five trillion, a loan enhance liquidity of private and government banks specialized $ 6 trillion dinars, united trillion to private banks, and five trillion for banks specialist, such as agriculture, industry, housing banks, and the adoption of the initiative of the Central Bank and the Office of the Prime Minister. ”
” The first initiative launched a few months ago and the second launched nearly two weeks ago, and put controls and mechanisms for granted, and initiated procedures which is simple and there is a simple timing and specific and this month will begin the banks to give loans to the beneficiaries. ”
the central bank announced the third of June , and , receiving requests from wanting Atniv agricultural and industrial projects and housing, adding that the bank will distribute the $ five trillion dinars on the agricultural, industrial and housing banks are granting loans after studying feasibility of the projects that the port is seeking for its establishment.
he said assistant general manager of statistics and research at the Bank of Alaa Abdel – Ghani, for {Euphrates News} ” the lending initiative very excellent in a matter of economic downturn and blessed the move and supported the central bank governor on the Keywords idea, and stressed that the central banks implementation of this matter to pump money agro – industrial and residential banks, and this initiative will be launched in the coming days has been receiving applications to grant loans for the implementation of industrial projects, agricultural and residential. ” it is
noteworthy that, the cabinet approved during its meeting on the 31 of last May, to launch a government loan to the sectors of housing form , industry and agriculture in the amount of {6.5 trillion dinars} in the framework of the axis of economic reform and diversify and move from an economy Rei into a productive economy and the transformation of the economic system of the State of the consumer system to a multi – resource production system, according to what has been announced by the media spokesman of the Office of the Prime Minister Saad al – Hadithi .anthy 1
