Central: Bank reserves reached $ 65 billion
Central: Bank reserves reached $ 65 billion
06/12/2015 21:02
Ratio that take into consideration the issue of the reserve which is the international standard used, and Iraq is still a high rate.
BAGHDAD / obelisk said Governor of the Central Bank and the Agency on the Keywords, on Friday, the central bank reserves reached more than $ 65 billion, pointing out that the value of the reserve currency is measured by exporting.
He explained Keywords in a press statement, that “the reserve value does not represent nothing but measured exporting currency locally if the ratio between foreign currency and exporting more than 100% and this means that the Reserve develop a sound,” noting that “the proportion of Iraq’s reserves amounted to more than one and a half percent is This good rates. ”
He pointed out that “the” Reserve Aigas in absolute terms, but rather as a number may be a hundred and currency shall be exporting 200 reserve is good, it may be 50 trillion and 30 trillion currency exporting reserve shall be comfortable. ”
He added that the “ratio, which take into consideration the issue of the reserve which is the international standard used, and Iraq is still at a high rate,” pointing out that “the Central Bank reserves is uneven, according to oil imports.”