Central Bank raises the trusteeship imposed on the Warka Bank two years ago

Central Bank raises the trusteeship imposed on the Warka Bank two years ago

02.08.2014 (0:01 pm)

Iraqi dinarBAGHDAD / Acer Jabbar

Decided to CBI, lifting the trusteeship imposed by the Warka Bank since 2012 to find work since 2010, and specialize in what was described the decision as “good financially,” called on the government to “maintain the financial situation in the country.”
A source at the Central Bank, in an interview to the (long-Presse), “The bank decided, yesterday, lifting the trusteeship, which was imposed on the Warka Bank since 2012,” noting that “the central bank impose a trusteeship after tumble work of the bank in 2010.”
of For his part, the deputy governor of the Central Bank of the previous appearance of Mohammed Saleh in an interview with the (long-Presse), “The bank’s move to lift the guardianship for Warka Bank, after a period of almost two years good financial sense, because it will give a good indication of the guarantees of the banking and financial dealings in Iraq,” expressing astonishment of “delayed raising the guardianship despite offering a number of international organizations, financial reporting orally to the return of the Warka Bank to work.”
Saleh added that “Warka Bank need to organize administrative simple to return to the financial arena, also requires that there be active assistance by the government represented by the Ministry of Finance through the development of a deposit long-lasting in the bank even help him to work the financial Despite the high volume of financial assets relative to debt. ”
continued the deputy governor of the Central Bank of the past that “the duty of government is to keep the financial situation of the country, because the Warka Bank does not carry only funds Owners him, but there are large amounts of citizens who are part of the financial system of the country and assist the Ministry of Finance of the Warka Bank due now. ”
Saleh pointed out that “with the lifting of guardianship for Warka Bank, there are only one bank which (via Iraq), and can not call it Naming recommended it, because the theme is nearing its decisiveness by the central bank and the borrowers. ”
For his part, welcomed a member of the Board of Directors in Warka Bank Issam al-Asadi decision of the Central Bank, describing it as “decision equitable because it would strengthen the role of the bank in the financial system.”
added al-Asadi said in an interview to the (long-Presse), “The Warka Bank currently has the ability to overcome the crisis, because financial assets within the bank amounting to almost 500 billion dinars, which is the largest of the liabilities that do not exceed the 380 billion dinars.
