Central Bank: Launch accusation is true may lead to a breach effectively in the local market
Central Bank: Launch accusation is true may lead to a breach effectively in the local market
11/30/2015 10:30 GMT
And babysit BAGHDAD – The governor of the central bank that the launch is a real indictment of the bank may lead to a breach impressively in the domestic market and on prices.
Governor of the Bank in a statement said that “the launch of such charges on the central bank lead to a breach impressively in the domestic market and on the charge of fiscal policy Alasaarcnh”, pointing out that such charges might even affect the credit rating of Iraq. ”
“The irresponsible statements of non-specialists have abounded recently about various topics but it is not the objective to make any point of the country above the level of criticism or guidance,” noting that the issues that deserve comment and criticism by specialists must be excluded from this Law “, and added that that the enactment of this law must be against criticism is the objective of non-specialists and not constructive criticism,” PSC / h