Central Bank excludes petroleum products from oil and gas from the inflation indices

Central Bank excludes petroleum products from oil and gas from the inflation indices
Date: Monday 25/06/2012 16:50

Baghdad (news) .. rule out the Central Bank of petroleum products from oil and gas from the inflation indicators in Iraq, stressing that the strength of the Iraqi dinar will be able to reduce inflation.
Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said in a statement (of the Agency news) said on Monday: that the bank Central exclude petroleum products from oil and gas within the Department of the fuel as well as two sets of fruits and vegetables sub within the Department of Food and non-alcoholic beverages, of the indicators of inflation as prices volatile and unstable that the annual inflation basis is known internationally pressures spending continued. Salih stressed: that the economic power of Iraq’s financial and of increase bank reserves and balance of payments surplus of government should be reflected on the strength of the Iraqi dinar, which in turn will be able to reduce inflation in the country. The Ministry of Planning on 17 of June, the current indicators of annual inflation for the period of the month of May 2011 until May of this year 2012 had declined by 2 percent, down from 9 percent to 7 percent, pointing out that the decline in annual inflation due to falling food prices, especially vegetables. / Finished / 3. Q. p /
Source: ikhnews