Central Bank confirms the withdrawal of a class of 500 euros from trading in banks

Central Bank confirms the withdrawal of a class of 500 euros from trading in banks

05/26/2016 11:55 pm (Baghdad time)

Central Bank confirms the withdrawal of a class of 500 euros from trading in banksBAGHDAD – balances News
It instructed the Central Bank of Iraq, on Thursday, to all banks that it will withdraw 500 euros category of trading, noting that citizens can replace other categories in the European Central Bank.
The bank said in a statement received / balances News / copy of which was that “the Iraqi Foreign Ministry informed us that its embassy in Bratislava in Slovakia to withdraw the category of 500 euros from circulation by a decision of the European Central Bank by 2018″.
He added, ” The withdrawal of this category was due to the fact that these high – use categories for criminal acts , ” noting that ” a legal banknote in circulation without restrictions and that citizens can replace other categories in the European Central Bank.” Ended 29/4 e
