Central bank: an existing project to delete the zeros and the issuance of 50 thousand came to structuring currency

Central bank: an existing project to delete the zeros and the issuance of 50 thousand came to structuring currency

11/22/2015 08:57 GMT

Central bank - an existing project to delete the zeros and the issuance of 50 thousand came to structuring currencyAnd babysit BAGHDAD – The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords, Sunday, that the project to delete the zeros of the existing currency, pointing out that the issuance of 50 thousand dinars category came to structuring currency and do not affect inflation and rising prices.
Keywords said, “The project to delete the zeros of the currency is still there, but administrative conditions are not favorable for its implementation so far.”

Keywords and added, that “the issuance of 50 thousand dinars came to structuring currency, the fact that the 25 A category is no longer suitable for trading bloc compared with cash in circulation,” explaining that “the new category Stsuhal process and the conversion by the banks and the transfer of citizens.”

Keywords confirmed, that “50 thousand dinars class does not affect the inflation and rising prices, because the released are damaged versus currencies” PSC / h
