Central: 50 thousand dinars category in January

Central: 50 thousand dinars category in January

21/06/2015 11:20 GMT

Central - 50 thousand dinars category in JanuaryAgencies – Central Bank of Iraq has decided to put coin 50 thousand dinars in the month of January, while the currency has decided to wait in the 10 thousand dinars introduction of new Bhltha which was expected released this month.
The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords, at a news conference carried by the local media, I followed news agency public opinion (and babysit), “The Bank continues in its procedures for issuing higher than the current local currency category, and has been studied this subject from all its dimensions.”

Keywords and added that “the currency will be 50 thousand dinars being printed by the end of this year”, adding that “100 A class may be issued in another time and asked to delay it to avoid any inflation in the Iraqi market.”

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi currency has been replaced after the end of 2003 that laid out a plan for the withdrawal of the previous currency from the market and replace it with new.
