Center links: with the help of Iraqi .. may soon see a tank, “Abrams” Iranian

Center links: with the help of Iraqi .. may soon see a tank, “Abrams” Iranian

Posted 05/07/2017 03:08 PM

Center links - with the help of Iraqi - may soon see a tank Abrams IranianAll the things in Iraq after 2003 to the present day served directly Iran, Politically became the last completely in control of the Iraqi government, both non-governmental political system, and economically the Iraqi economy gave great services to Iran as it contributed significantly to the alleviation of international economic sanctions It was imposed on the background of its nuclear program. And security has become Iran’s armed Iraqi factions have the weight of the street and obeys Booamraa. The military, Iraq was an Iranian corridor to provide military support to Bashar al-Assad to suppress the popular uprising that erupted against his rule in March / March 2011. The military also enabled the emergence of the terrorist organization Daesh in the Iraqi scene Bhuzeiran / June 2014, in achieving the Iranian Alastregih first in demolishing the Iraqi Sunni cities like Mosul, secondly find a land corridor up Tehran’s allies in Syria and Lebanon third to reach the shores of the Mediterranean.
Iraqi military services to Iran does not stop at this level even more. According to information obtained by the links for research and strategic studies, according to which Toatye what had happened inside the Iraqi Defense Ministry several months ago through the establishment of an Iraqi armed factions to send a tank, “Abrams Center” American advanced defensive and offensive to Iran. Is famous for its American tanks combat quality and ability of high since World War II to the present day. Perhaps the most prominent of these tanks and the most famous of our time, Alobramz used in the second Gulf War, Afghanistan War, Iraq 2003 war and military intervention in Yemen.
The Abrams tanks of the most powerful in the world, the Khalifa or 60, a main battle tank in war with cannon 120 mm and two guns of 7.62 mm caliber. Alobramz, which weighs about 63 tons on the turbine engine of the type Teixturn to Akomnj any GT generates a power of 1500 HP authorizes access to the speed of 67.6 km in the Asah.ttkon tank crew up numbering to 4 dependent and enjoys armor welded and device protection from weapons of mass destruction in addition to devices to detect atomic radiation and gas warfare system vision for the following advanced. For further protection Alobramz also provided Bakazvin on both sides of the tower and the Standard to produce smoke to hide.
Undoubtedly this military Altoatye in Iraq, military service provided Iran Vbusaha now know the strengths and weaknesses in the tank “Abrams” and then work on the re-production of a tank completely uninterrupted so-called reverse engineering. If Iran is able to manufacture it could then sell old weapons to the Iraqi government, Iraq has become a year after 2003, a net importer loyal to all Iranian shoddy goods.
The US administration are very upset by this Altotye because I felt that there was a military insult against her, so they exert great pressure on the Iraqi government to retrieve a tank “Abrams”, and this Altoatye put the Iraqi government in a very embarrassing position with the US administration and the International Alliance , they are at the same time is not in a position to maintain its military stockpile? How can the future to trust Hola Iraqi government and work to provide them with advanced military equipment, especially if we know that today’s Iraq military is suffering from the scarcity of sophisticated weaponry that presents security risk?
This Altoatye is not the first of its kind, especially as we know that the wreckage of a US march and dozens “Alhmrat” US and various US arms arrived in Iran and also if we know that weapons of all US weapons and weapons of the international coalition are sold in the markets of Iraq and part of these weapons go to the organization Daesh terrorist.
The disposal of Daesh is critical to Iraq’s recovery from Oojall, but this is not enough even to recover completely liberated Iraq must state and society of his captors in Tehran, otherwise Iraq will remain moribund.