CBI: There is no law or legislator has so far prevented the flow of the Iraqi capital abroad

Confirmed that the Central Bank of Iraq Investment Law allowed the introduction of Heads investors their money to support Iraq’s economy, while there is no law legislator has so far prevented the flow of capital out of Iraq, noting that it is one of the grossest errors, the right of the national economy of the country.

The deputy governor of Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in a press statement that the commercial chaos in Iraq was to ensure flows of capital abroad under the pretext of import, which allowed to leave the capital investment needed to rebuild Iraq’s infrastructure.

He noted that the Ministry of Commerce is able to adopt the law of import licenses to determine who is a trader who enters the real task of goods needed by the country already, and the merchant manipulated Almterbh of the introduction of goods harmful to poor citizens.

He stressed that the import license ID card serves as a certified dealer because the holidays are now questionable and do not meet all the applications needed by the country.

He added that the Bank’s mission in maintaining the stability of the market difficult in the absence of the existence of a law regulating the import licenses and customs tariff law, which serves Iraq’s economy first and foremost
