Can the two Presidents … dissolve Parliament ..?!

Can the two Presidents … dissolve Parliament ..?!

7/5/2020 18:48

Can the two Presidents ... dissolve Parliament[Baghdad_Eyein]
The government of Mr. Al-Kazemi is considered a transitional government for a year or a little that was brought in to organize early elections and repair what has been corrupted forever for the past 17 years, as the depth of political differences between the blocs and the ruling power parties over their shares of ministries and their financial spoils emerged through those partisan economic offices that It has spoiled the body of the national economy and made its treasury empty and depends in its expenditures on external and internal borrowing, whose consequences will be disastrous for future generations of the people.
Parliaments in all countries of the world are found to serve their people and enact laws to develop and revive the economy of that country and procedures for reform, construction and development and keep pace with the rapid scientific advancement, except that we have found Iraqi parliaments since the founding or association called (the National Assembly) after the Transitional Governing Council and the Allawi government .. oddities And the wonders in these parliaments mention a few of its negatives and what was not apparent in the media, but the hidden and invisible happened and there is no embarrassment (((blackmail), suspicious contracts, buying ministries, selling positions, ambassadors and leaders, privileges and incentives, armored cars, protections, space employees, delegations and travel And plastic surgery, stationery and furniture, petty cash, banquets, pensions for thousands of aliens, prisoners and mujahideen salaries, vagaries to the welfare of billions, interrogations and blackmail, hand fights and quarrels, obscene words forehead, betraying others and retribution from dissenting opinion and exhibitions, promises and lies,Anesthesia with morphine for the people overpowered, unemployed, unemployed, and not appointed, foreign labor, turning a blind eye to corrupt and thieves, and the list may be long .. and wow)).

The constitutional provisions guaranteed by the Iraqi constitution are that the President and the Prime Minister have the right to dissolve Parliament, hold early elections and elect a government that will advance the country and save it from being lost.

The Iraqi public believes that the dissolution of Parliament is a fundamentalist measure and a mass demand in the current exceptional circumstances, such as austerity, bankruptcy, security breakdown, deteriorating health status, education outside the world rankings, looted economy and contraband money. .