Can Iraq pull US troops out of its territory? And law experts: It is still at the stage of international tutelage

Can Iraq pull US troops out of its territory? And law experts: It is still at the stage of international tutelage

2019/02/04 13:50

American soldiers in IraqBAGHDAD (Reuters) – A member of the political bureau of the Asaib Ahl al-Haq movement, Mahmud al-Rubaie, expects a successful vote on a bill that will force US troops to leave Iraq. The former judge and legal expert Ali al- Iraq is still under Chapter VI of the Charter of the United Nations of Article 33 to 38, that is, it is still in the stage of international custody.
“We have news and information about the American forces roaming some areas of Mosul, Salah al-Din and Anbar, which are contrary to the agreements,” Rubaie told al-Masalla in response to US troop movements in some provinces and US President Trump’s statement that US forces in Iraq are to monitor Iran. And the Iraqi laws, which require the presence of foreign troops on the ground on the ground, and therefore the movement of these forces, a flagrant interference.
“We are working in the bloc of Sadikon with the political blocs in parliament, to pass a law obliging the Iraqi government to remove these forces, especially since the former Iraqi parliament issued a resolution in 2018, in this regard.”
“There is a search by the political blocs to issue a binding law, to remove these forces, and in case of failure to exit for each recent incident.”
“If these forces refrain from going out, they will be occupied forces. They know how the Iraqis deal with the occupation forces and how they managed to get the largest military force that came in 2003, and we regret it in late 2011, so the previous experience is still present in the American administration. You can repeat it again. ”
In addition, the former judge and legal expert Ali al-Tamimi explained to the “Masala” legal aspects in the case of the American presence on Iraqi territory, as follows:
1. Iraq is still under Chapter VI of the Charter of the United Nations of Article 33 to 38, the stage of testing and control of Iraq that it does not threaten international security and the return of chaos or clashes in Iraq could lift sanctions to Chapter VII that is, Iraq is still in the stage of international tutelage.
2. America has with Iraq agreements, the first on the exit of US forces and implemented 2011 and the Americans came out and the second is still the window is the security and economic cooperation and the House of Representatives can cancel, and notify the United States.
3. Iraq needs international diplomacy on the subject with nine US military bases and action at the United Nations.
4. America wants to watch Iran and wants the costs of expenses for the war in Iraq and has fortified bases like Al-Assad, which spent 4 billion dollars and talk about beating the Americans will complicate the scene can not be with the existence of official government institutions and international diplomatic methods.
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