Calling For Quick Action.. Al-Abadi: He Warned Us Of The Consequences Of Devaluing The Dinar Two Years Ago
Calling For Quick Action.. Al-Abadi: He Warned Us Of The Consequences Of Devaluing The Dinar Two Years Ago
Earth News / The head of the Victory Coalition, Haider al-Abadi, called today, Tuesday, for quick measures to restore the value of the dinar to what it was, while stressing that what is happening is the consequences of the decision to reduce the dinar two years ago.
Al-Abadi said, in a tweet via “Twitter”, followed by Earth News Agency, that “what is happening in terms of serious repercussions on the standard of living of citizens due to the low exchange rate of the dinar and the rise in prices requires quick measures to restore the value of the dinar to what it was.”
He added: “We warned of the consequences of devaluing the dinar two years ago, despite the agreement of the blocs on it, and we are now warning against the consequences of continuing the policy of draining the country’s economy, especially since the oil revenues for the current year 2022 have exceeded 150 trillion dinars, which is equivalent to the total oil revenues for the three years 2015, 2016 and 2017, days.” ISIS war.
He pointed out that “this huge increase in revenues must be in the interest of the citizen and not a burden on him.”