Cabinet amended the budget bill

Cabinet amended the budget bill

9/28/2016 0:00

Cabinet amended the budget billAnd agreed to direct irrespective dues peasants
Council of Ministers held on Tuesday amendments to the draft budget 2017, at the time it agreed on direct irrespective dues peasants and farmers.
According to a government statement «morning» received a copy of it, the Council of Ministers held yesterday its regular headed Dr. Haidar al – Abadi.
the chairman of the Council of Ministers during the meeting briefed the conduct of military operations and the victories achieved on Daesh terrorist gangs.
the statement noted the Council ‘s approval to the Office of financial supervision Federal audited dues Contractors before being discharged from the authorities concerned.
In terms of the financial budget, the Council agreed to amend the draft of the federal budget for fiscal year 2017 Act to become as follows: 1 / the price of a barrel of oil to $ 42.2 / be export ceiling of 3.75 million barrels per day , 0.3 / reduce expenses to 90.224 trillion dinars 0.4 / size indebtedness 5.608 trillion dinars.
and on dues peasants, the government agreed to pay to take charge of the ministries of trade and agriculture direct payment of dues of farmers for crops received in 2016, as the Ministry of Finance to provide financial liquidity through treasury bonds in order to pay dues of farmers for crops received in the same year.
the resolution also stipulated that «receive a peasant dues within one week from the date of receipt of agricultural crops, in addition to the approval of a plan to speed up the receipt of agricultural crops from the ministries of trade and agriculture, with emphasis on the commitment to agricultural plan approved by the Ministry of Agriculture in addition to the deduction of 2 percent of the amount of wheat received from by the Ministry of trade and Industry to fund seed support.
the statement said he was identified crops that would be delivered in 2017 prices , according to the following: a / wheat first class: 560 000 dinars per ton Aluahd.b / wheat second class: 480 000 dinars per ton Aluahd.j / Grist third degree (fodder): 420 000 dinars per ton Aluahd.d / barley: 420 000 dinars per ton.
In terms of pandemic influenza has the cabinet approved the establishment of the Ministry of Agriculture to compensate the animal ‘s owner for the animal that destroys official minutes of according to the law of animal health value after the minister to issue the statement mentioned in article (28) of the Act and subject to the application of the provisions of Article 40 of the law above and distract allocated to the Higher Committee for bird flu amount.
the Council also agreed to grant the Ministry of Commerce exception to the methods of the contract provided for in Article ( 3) of the Implementing Regulations of government contracts (2) for the year 2014 in order to purchase a quantity of 154 thousand and 916 tons of Iraqi sugar product material by the Iraqi food Industries Union Co. , Ltd., covering the need for only two months , and emergency stocks earmarked allocations for this ministry, to the failure of the Ministry of Finance to transfer full allocated to this ministry of the federal budget and authorize the Commerce Department authority to purchase and sign a contract with the Iraqi company amounts. The government awarded yesterday the Ministry of Commerce the authority to negotiate and direct contracting with the company produced / manufactured or executed contractual obligations formerly with the ministry through the Central Commission for review and approval of the assignment of the Ministry of Commerce exception of the Implementing Regulations of government contracts (2) for the year 2014 and the regulations issued thereunder to purchase a quantity 100.000 tons of sunflower oil to cover three months needed on the basis of the monthly amount needed 34,000 tons. Cabinet gave congratulations to the Iraqi people on the occasion of qualifying Iraq team junior football for the World Cup for juniors tournament after beating Uzbekistan score two goals to none, praise the players and owners and administrative training. It was also adjusted the amount of social benefits specific social protection law No. 11 of 2014 , based on Article 24 of the law.