Between them are the oil revenues and the budget.. Disclosure of the agendas of the Sudanese visit to Erbil

Between them are the oil revenues and the budget.. Disclosure of the agendas of the Sudanese visit to Erbil


Between them are the oil revenues and the budget.. Disclosure of the agendas of the Sudanese visit to ErbilInformation / special..
On Tuesday, the representative of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Rafik al-Salhi, revealed the agendas of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’a al-Sudani’s visit to Erbil, while stressing that the two files of approving the budget and obliging the region to hand over oil revenues to the central government are the most prominent.

Al-Salihi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma agency, “Al-Sudani has a large legacy of outstanding problems between the political forces, and it is necessary to bring the views of all parties closer together through many visits and meetings to find solutions during the current period,” pointing out that “the file of binding the region In the delivery of oil revenues and the application of decisions of the Federal Court in the coming period.

And he continued, “Al-Sudani will open the file of returning all the oil export funds in the previous period retroactively, as a result of not sending them from the regional government to Baghdad.”

And he added, “The other file that the Sudanese will discuss is the region’s dams and the water scarcity crisis in order to reach a solution that leads to resolving the crisis at the internal level.”

And on the issue of approving the budget and passing it inside the House of Representatives, Al-Salhi explains: “The Prime Minister will discuss with the Kurdish parties ways to agree on passing the budget within the House of Representatives without delaying it further.”

The Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, had arrived earlier today in the city of Erbil on a visit to the Kurdistan region of Iraq, accompanied by a government delegation, in order to find out many outstanding issues between the two parties.