Because of the budget .. Iraq is losing (15) billion dollars and threatened to postpone elections

Because of the budget .. Iraq is losing (15) billion dollars and threatened to postpone elections


Because of the budget Iraq is losing 15 billion dollars and threatened to postpone electionsBAGHDAD / JD / .. announced the parliamentary Economic Committee, for its estimates of the amount of the loss of Iraq (15) billion dollars during the month, the last three years because of the delay in approving the budget, as suggested Allantbat postpone the next parliamentary commission due to lack of credit amount (35) billion dinars.
A member of the Committee MP Hussein Mura’bi Agency / JD /: “The committee parliamentary estimated the size of the losses caused by the process of delay in approving the budget in 2014, an average of 5 billion dollars a month, and this means that Iraq has lost so far (15) billion dollars over three months years. ”
He added that the process of the delay will have consequences on the level of fiscal and monetary of the country, in addition to its effect on the upcoming parliamentary elections, which may lead to delayed due to rejection of the parliamentary legal committee of the credit of the Electoral Commission the amount of 35 billion dinars, while approving the budget. / Finished / 8 /