Bayraktar: Federal Court needs more time to decide on the pretext of al-Maliki

Bayraktar: Federal Court needs more time to decide on the pretext of al-Maliki

08/14/2014 15:08

Bayraktar - Federal Court needs more time to decide on the pretext of al-MalikiAgencies – The spokesman for the Supreme Judicial Council, Abdul Sattar Bayraktar, said Thursday that the Federal Court needs more time to decide on the lawsuit filed by Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki against President Fuad Masum, the assigned Haider Abadi formation of the government, attributing this to the large number of procedures that precedes the court’s decision.
Bayraktar said in a press statement, “The Federal Court will not be able at the moment to decide, claiming Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki against President Fuad Masum, Haider Abadi assigned to the formation of the government.”

Bayraktar and added that “the lawsuit is currently in the phase of communications that will lead to setting a date for the plea, and will then present the facts and arguments,” noting that “after the completion of all of these actions will be issued Federal Court decision” RO / h