Barzani, President of the Republic of Iraq next

Barzani, President of the Republic of Iraq next

Created on Thursday, 16 May 2013 07:25

Barzani, President of the Republic of Iraq nextBaghdad / Orr News

Said Kurdish sources of high-level that talk about an alternative to President Jalal Talabani is inappropriate and ineffective, and that the status and account political and historical to President Talabani require that the patient until the completion of treatment and return to the homeland, not to create from raising these issues a new crisis in Iraq indispensable ” .

The sources said that “President Talabani is the President of the Republic of Iraq, and is currently undergoing treatment of the health status of that pain, and wait for his return safe and sound, God willing.” But the information that leaks between now and then indicate that the negotiations that took place between the national and Kurdistan coalitions recently in Baghdad resulted in undisclosed agreements between the parties, including granting the office of President of Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani.

It was much debate on this position after the current absence of President Jalal Talabani for months because of a stroke he suffered in evacuated to a German hospital for treatment.

And informed political sources revealed the approval of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to give the post of President of the Republic of regional president Massoud Barzani, instead of the current president, Jalal Talabani. The sources said that “Barzani became closest to the office of President of the Republic instead of Talabani after the approval of al-Maliki.” The sources pointed out that “the return of ministers and deputies Kurds to Baghdad came against the backdrop of this agreement, which was born to have a great satisfaction and make them give guarantees for the owners to cooperate with him and pass important laws in the House of Representatives.”

In conjunction with this, confirmed for the National Alliance MP Samira al-Moussawi that the Kurdistan Alliance will nominate a personal rather than Talabani for the position of the latter, stressing that the country needs to occupancy of the position. Moussawi noted that the nomination of a personal rather than the president goes back to the Kurdish leadership because the position of the Kurds share. She added that the need for the position of President of the Republic present and waiting to fill, noting that the Kurds are familiar put Talabani and whether it can exercise its role or he needs a long time for treatment.