Barzani: Kurds do not want to “secede”

Barzani: Kurds do not want to “secede”


Palm – the chief of the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq Barzani to be Kurds are thinking about separation but Shen said in an interview for Al-Sharq Al-Awsat a scathing attack on Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, accusing him of pursuing a “policy based on domination and hegemony.”

Barzani said we were independent before 2003 .. But after the fall of the regime promised our desire to Baghdad on the basis of work in accordance with the Constitution, which voted him more than (80) per cent of the Iraqi people.

He continued: our what we can to protect the unity of Iraq retrospect building the new Iraq and we are partners in this building we’re not out of this process.

And the recent crisis between Baghdad and Arbil, Barzani said that the crisis of the way of thinking begins in Baghdad with regret, the policy of the Prime Minister and officials in Baghdad is not the policy of understanding, but the policy of domination and hegemony and this is not acceptable to us as it is unconstitutional.