Barzani calls for a referendum of independence before Obama out
Barzani calls for a referendum of independence before Obama out
Posted, 2016/1/27 22:10
reported early Kurdish source said the “head of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, said Tuesday, during a meeting with political parties, that” We must hold a referendum on the fate and the future of the Kurdistan region before the start of the presidential elections in the United States. “Any before the end of the mandate of the US President Barack Obama.
The source from within the meeting, the network Roudao Kurdish media, that Barzani had told all present political parties in meeting the need for “a referendum on the future and destiny of the Kurdistan region, before the start of the presidential elections in the United States of America, which will take place in the history of 8 from next November, in order to the people of Kurdistan gives his decision.
“It was Barzani, has between during the meeting of political parties in the Kurdistan region for many times” ready to hand over the presidency of the region who has prepping for that, adding that he will endorse and stand next to him, “noting that” Kparzana will come out of the Kurdistan region , in order that this person who will become president of the region to practice his work with satisfaction.
“The head of the Kurdistan region, has met today with the main political parties and the parties participating in the government, in the resort of Salahuddin in Irbil, to address the political and financial crisis that is going through the region, has been formation of a committee of the KDP, and the Patriotic Union, and the Islamic Union, to activate the Kurdistan region’s parliament, will be another meeting after ten days.
The Minister of Justice of Israel, Elite Shaked, called on the Israeli government to support the establishment of “Kurdish state” in northern Iraq in public.
She stressed the minister Israeli well-known positions of the right-wing militant, during her speech last Tuesday, before the annual conference of the Institute of the Israeli National Security Studies that the establishment of Kurdish state is in the “in favor of Israel”, without being locked into detail about this interest.
The statements come at a time when the Kurdish leader high in said Kurdistan Democratic Party leader, head of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani of the Kurdistan that the province “is a Kurdish state [cake division” between the Kurdish parties.
The Chairman of the Islamic Group of Kurdistan, Ali Baber, in an interview, “The last time I met her Barzani on his return from the last his trip to America, and talked to us after that, he was happy and very optimistic that we can slowly to announce that the State of Kurdistan, brought an us an example and said that a Kurdish state is no longer as cake surrounded by wires and we are unable to reach out to them, but those wires still now leaving but to bring a plate and a knife and fork to cut the cake.
“raised the reports of the provincial government through three US, French and British companies digging a trench from the city of Rabia in Mosul down to Khanaqin in Diyala controversy about its causes amid political accusations of the province of trying to” impose a fait accompli and the establishment of the borders of the Kurdish nation.
“But the office of the President of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, said to [where], to dig a trench,” came to the protection of the Peshmerga forces of Daash attacks, adding that “wary [of digging the trench] bidding politically.” According to media advisor to the Office of President of the Region’s struggle Snjara.anthy