Barzani and al-Shahristani talks was positive for the first time .. and the oil exporting region is still “dilemma”

Kurdistan: Barzani and al-Shahristani talks was positive for the first time .. and the oil exporting region is still “dilemma”

02.19.2014 (0:01 pm)

Kurdistan: Barzani and al-Shahristani talks was positive for the first time .. and the oil exporting region is still  Baghdad / term-Presse

Announced that the Kurdistan Alliance bloc in the House of Representatives, on Tuesday, that the meeting, which was conducted by the Kurdistan Regional Government President Barzani with the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussain al-Shahristani was positive for the first time, while confirming that the issue of the export of oil from the region, such as the main problem in the negotiations between the two parties.
The Alliance MP Mahmoud Othman said in an interview to the (long-Presse), “The atmosphere of the meeting of the delegations of the governments of the center and the region was positive, but they did not reach a solution on the issue of the export of oil from the region”, he underlined that “to meet the head of the Kurdistan Regional Government Barzani with Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussain al-Shahristani was positive for the first time. ”
and between Osman said that “both parties agreed on the continuation of dialogues and discussions to find solutions in the coming period,” pointing out that “the main problem in the negotiations has been the subject of oil exports from the region and how to export it.”
and MP Kurdistan Alliance that “understanding about the point of export of oil from the region is now the most important thing to come to a final agreement between the parties.”
was KRG President Barzani arrived, on Monday, to Baghdad at the head of a government delegation to discuss the differences between the governments of Central The region on file oil, while met upon arrival by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, in his second visit in less than a month.
revealed the Kurdistan Alliance bloc parliamentary Saturday that Erbil has proposed the formation of a joint committee to oversee the Oil Marketing Company (SOMO), likely near a deal on file oil what will accelerate the possibility of the adoption of the general budget of the year 2014 the current, while counting a member of the parliamentary finance committee, said the federal government “does not stand” against the demands of the region, relating to oil and dues of companies and the Peshmerga, but you want to “be conducted according to legal procedures,” and accused the blocks political as “not serious” in passing the budget.
so called American newspaper known globally President Barack Obama, to raise my name partisans main Kurdish parties in the Kurdistan region from the list of “terrorist” organizations of the importance of the region, “the ever-growing” to the United States in the region, while promised to be included in that list caused by a “bug vague and abnormal,” which I wrote in it, which led to the abolition of regional president, Massoud Barzani, to visit Washington, urged Congress to end the “sanctions” quickly.
came in an editorial in the Washington Post, The Washington Post under the title (Open doors for a response), calling on the U.S. president, Barack Obama, the need to “resolve the issue of the inclusion of the two main parties in the region, the Kurdistan Democratic (KDP), led by regional president Massoud Barzani, and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (Alikiti), led by President Jalal Talabani , in the list of the ban, known as the Patriot Oct Patriot Act on combating terrorist activities. ”
said the article, it is in “a time of escalating rates of bloodshed in Iraq and Syria, the importance of the Kurdistan region of Iraq for the United States in the region, has been constantly increasing,” noting that “the Kurdistan Regional Government, which controls the territory of the region bordering Iran, Turkey, Syria, is the government of a secular democratic ally of the West, and is a strong enemy of al Qaeda militants who are active on both sides of the border of Iraq and Syria.”
the newspaper added, it was “not surprising that allocates a date for the regional president, Massoud Barzani, last month, to visit Washington, and the possibility of his meeting with President Obama, “afterthought” but to worry about is the decision Barzani sudden postponement of trip. ”
reported the Washington Post, that “Barzani remained in his country because the Obama administration and Congress have failed to resolve the issue remained a source of inconvenience in US Kurdish for a long time, namely, the existence of nominal ruling parties of the two presidents in the region on the list of organizations punishment by the United States. ”
the newspaper pointed out, that “my name all of the KDP and Alikiti Odava after 2001, to the list of group organizations that are seen as provided attribution materially to terrorism according to the Patriot Act Oct Patriot Act on combating terrorism “, attributed to the fact that” the two parties Sanda operations resistance to the regime of Saddam Hussein before the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. ”
and saw The Washington Post, that “the flaw lies the method vague and abnormal, who wrote the law Patriot “, Msttrdp that” a lot of people, whether through negligence or error, dealt with the terrorists or the groups linked to al-Qaeda in parts of the world, or those who resisted against repressive regimes, had included about unfair in List groupware support for terrorism Tier 3 List “.
went the Washington Post in an editorial, saying, that it “is more than a matter symbolic only, as long as it affects the parties mentioned not Amkanethma get a visa to the United States without a document exemption”, usually that “it includes regional president Massoud Barzani, and almost every senior official in the province with a population of 3.7 million people. ”
continued the newspaper, that “U.S. administrations had promised the Kurds to lift those restrictions about them for years, but failed to achieve it, and headed the Obama administration to discuss this proposal should be the introduction of a legislative amendment the terms of raising the nominal Kurdish parties from the list of the Patriot Act Oct, “and indulged” But that solution is obligatory to reject the Legal Committee in the Senate, which insists on an amendment to a comprehensive law and not with regard to a particular case. ”
and increased the Washington Post, that “On the other hand insists Kurds and Msanteke in Washington, on the ability to override Congress and prevarication chronic executive decision sub-simple, “indicating that” the Republican Senator, John McCain, who led attempts in the Senate to end the sanctions on the Kurds, is now trying to enter the project document separate law on the subject in the coming weeks with support the Obama administration. ”
concluded The Washington Post at the end of an editorial, that the “Congress should work in this direction quickly to back Barzani determine a new date for his visit.”
and the Patriot Act Oct or the Anti-Terrorism Act or the Patriot Act is a law has been passed far September 11 attacks 2001, special investigations and procedures to facilitate the necessary means to combat terrorism, such as giving police powers will be found on the personal holdings of individuals and monitor their communications and eavesdropping on their calls for the purpose of detecting terrorist plots.