Banking expert: the evolution of the banking sector needs for economic

Banking expert: the evolution of the banking sector needs for economic conferences and in the presence of international experts

05-04-2013 11:36 AM

Baghdad (news) .. Proposed banking expert Mohsen Ali conferences specialized economic for the banking sector and the presence of advisors and international experts to develop and promote it. said Ali (of the Agency news): The parliamentary Finance Committee announced during the last period for holding a workshop for the development of the banking sector and the presence of specialists in Baghdad and Amman, but did not reach to radical solutions to resolve banking problems and how to develop their work. added: that the process of development banking important and needs to hold more than an economic conference attended by the heads of all Iraqi banks and local government and the use of international experts and advisers global specialists in the financial field to enable them to develop formulas for how to develop the banking sector in Iraq. He continued: as well as take advantage of the recommendations of these conferences in the process of amending the legislation or the General Banking Law in Iraq. / end / 8. n. p /