Ban Ki moon praises Bayeva Iraq obligations assigned to it under Chapter VII
Ban Ki moon praises Bayeva Iraq obligations assigned to it under Chapter VII
13-06-2013 03:42 PM
Baghdad (news) .. welcomed the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon momentum growing aiming for full normalization of bilateral relations between Iraq and Kuwait. According to a statement received Agency (news) copy of it: that the Permanent Representative of Kuwait to the United Nations Mansour Al-Otaibi met with Permanent Representative of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations Mohammad Hakim. praised: the commitment shown by Iraq to fulfill the obligations assigned to it under Chapter VII, also praised Kuwait for flexibility, which has long made. expressed: pleased to inform the Security Council to conclude Iraq and Kuwait agreement arrangements border bilateral, which reflect the full implementation of Security Council Resolution 833. told: Permanent Representatives of the two that he had both the phone from the Emir of the State of Kuwait and the Iraqi prime minister, before meeting with them, telling them these same messages. / End / l. m /