Baghdadi leaves the battle of Mosul for his loyal followers and hiding in the desert in order to survive

Baghdadi leaves the battle of Mosul for his loyal followers and hiding in the desert in order to survive

Wednesday 08 March 2017 time 20:22 pm

Baghdadi leaves the battle of Mosul for his loyal followers and hiding in the desert in order to surviveBAGHDAD / Sky Press:

US and Iraqi officials believe that the leader of al Daesh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi left the battle for Mosul operations leaders and faithful followers and that he is now hiding in the desert, where he concentrated his attention on his survival.

It is impossible to ascertain from hiding place of al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed successor to the Muslims from the Grand Mosque in Mosul after its fighters swept through northern Iraq in 2014.

However, US and Iraqi intelligence sources say that the absence of any official statements from the leadership of the organization and the loss of control over parts of the city of Mosul suggests that the abandonment of the city which is the largest population center under the control of the organization.

It has proven to be an elusive goal Baghdadi rarely used means of communication can be monitored and sources say he travels constantly and often more than once during the day.

The sources add that they think through the efforts of tracing to be hiding mostly among civilians from sympathizers in the villages of desert familiar to him not among the fighters in their barracks in urban areas where fighting is taking place.

* Insulated

The organization was governed at the height of his power two years ago, more than two million people in the areas under his areas in northern Syria and across the towns and villages along the river valleys of the Tigris and the Euphrates River to the outskirts of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

And Iraqi forces launched a US-backed operation five months ago to regain control of Mosul, which are larger than at least four times on any other city subject to the control of the organization.

This process is the biggest battle taking place in Iraq since the invasion of US troops to him in 2003, it has proceeded slowly, partly because of the survival of hundreds of thousands of vulnerable to harm the civilian population.

And managed the Iraqi force of 100 thousand fighters wrest full control of the eastern part of Mosul in January and last month, the leaders began the implementation process to cross the Tigris River and the control of the western part.

Iraqi forces have made steady progress, says the coalition now that the inevitable victory will lead to the destruction of the caliphate in Iraq.

According to intelligence sources, a sharp decline in the organization publishes Daesh on social media as evidence that al-Baghdadi and his entourage are getting isolated.

Baghdadi himself did not issue a recorded message since early November, two weeks after the beginning of the battle of Mosul, when he called on his supporters to fight “infidels” and the shedding of their blood rivers.

Since then, sporadic data of the organization talking about attacks by suicide bombers in different locations in Iraq and Syria, but does not attach particular importance to Mosul despite the fact that the city’s main square to fight.

There was no al-Baghdadi all or any of his close aides comment on the fall of the eastern part of the city in January.

The existence of regulation on the Telegram social networking has gradually declined after becoming a major network to launch its platform statements and speeches.

It is estimated that the coalition organizing activity on Twitter has shrunk by 45 percent since 2014 with the freezing of its accounts on Twitter that 360 thousand numbering so far and close new accounts during the two days in the habit.

* “The game Anckvt”

In what is expected to be a major symbolic victory for Iraqi forces backed by the United States became the troops now approaching the area where the Grand Mosque on the western bank of the Tigris River, which announced Baghdadi from the pulpit of the State of the succession is located.

Says Hisham al-Hashemi, author of “A World Daesh” which was released in English, one of the Iraqi government advisers said more than half of the six thousand of its fighters who left to defend the city were killed.

US commanders are optimistic and say that the battle to liberate the city is now at an advanced stage.

Brigadier General Matthew Keller of the US Air Force, told Reuters he said in West Qayyarah Airport south of Mosul, “the revelation of the game” and added that some regulation of foreign fighters trying to leave the city.

He said that from the left to continue fighting, most of them Iraqis seem “extremely violent resistance” at the tactical level but they do not now make up an integrated force, as coalition air strikes destroyed a command and control and the car bombs and weapons caches centers.

“We have lost this battle and Tchehdonh now delay the process (to resolve).”

Although he lost control of Mosul will put a real end to the rule of the organization in the territory of Iraq, US and Iraqi officials are preparing for the transformation of the organization to covert action and fight an insurgency like the one that followed the invasion of Iraq.

And it will end the existence of the State of the Caliphate State as an entity fall of tenderness, which is the actual capital of the organization in Syria, perhaps later this year.

And the city of Raqqa much smaller than the connector is to launch military operations targeting the organization in Syria is more difficult than in Iraq because the enemies of the regulation of many in Syria too busy fighting each other in a civil war since 2011.

However the organization faced setbacks in Syria over the past year in the face of the three main opponents of the armed factions in Arabic and Kurdish US-backed Syrian army, backed by Russia, Syria and the opposition supported by Turkey.

Maj. Gen. Robert Jones, deputy coalition that led the United States to fight the leader of the organization “The inevitability of their destruction has in fact become a matter of time.” He added that the leadership of the organization is now focusing on staying in the foundation.

The last official report on al-Baghdadi of the Iraqi army on February 13 when the military said its warplanes F-16 carried out a raid on a house believed he was meeting with other leaders in western Iraq near the Syrian border.

He says al-Hashemi said al-Baghdadi, the Iraqi nationality real Ibrahim al-Samarrai and his name, traveling in a remote desert area inhabited by Sunni tribes from the Arabs to the north of the Euphrates River.

The region stretches from the city of Baaj in northwestern Iraq to the Syrian border town of Abu Kamal on the Euphrates River.

Hashemi said “this historic their area and they know the people there and the terrain is easy to get food, water and gasoline as spies to monitor easier” than in crowded areas.

The US government has formed a joint force to trace the impact of al-Baghdadi, comprising members of the Special Operations Forces and the CIA and other US intelligence agencies in addition to the use of spy Boqmar.

However, US intelligence sources say that al-Baghdadi awareness apparently lesson from the killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011 and became dependent on the transfer of messages using several envoys envoy not one, contrary to what was bin Laden doing founder of al-Qaeda.

It also switches the car during trips a lesson learned from the attack drone plane in 2011 that killed Anwar al-Awlaki, a leader of the organization in Yemen.

Baghdadi did not publicly declare the appointment of a successor is that the Iraqi intelligence sources say that it is known that Ayad al-Obeidi, also popularly known as Fadel Haifa security officer under Saddam Hussein, is the actual vice-Baghdadi.

Security experts say that the Iraqis more than 40 of the group’s leaders were killed in the coalition air strikes, but is likely to continue even if the insurgency has control of Mosul and killed al-Baghdadi and his aides.

Fadel said Abu loaf of Iraqi security expert who specializes in regulatory affairs, “other leaders will appear because the organization structure still exists.”