Baghdad Operations launches first air balloon control

Baghdad Operations launches first air balloon control .. He says he will cancel the checkpoints

09/02/2013 (00:01 pm)

Baghdad Operations launches first air balloon control Baghdad / Mohammad Sabah

Revealed the Baghdad operations, on Sunday, what it called, a new strategy, to impose security, saying it will lead to a reduction detachments inspection within the streets of the capital and only points in the entrances only.
Amid the worst collapse of security seen in the country for years, launched the Baghdad operations in the Taji area’s first balloon Monitoring out of four will be distributed to the areas of Baghdad, confirmed that it aims to tighten control “electronically” on the belt of Baghdad. As revealed commander of ground forces and a plan to be published in all the provinces.
revealed Lt. Gen. AMEER-Shammari, commander of Baghdad operations, for “implement the strategy of a new security during the next few days will reduce the violence that is witnessing Baghdad.”
said al-Shammari, told the “long” yesterday, said that “the new plans include reducing the number of checkpoints security deployed in the streets of Baghdad and rely on methods and electronic, including a monument of surveillance cameras in public areas and focus on the entrances to cities.”
said Shammari “Three balloons control is ready for launch in Baghdad after the termination of the angel artwork Iraqi session training operated and sustain to be under the supervision of an Iraqi full, “pointing out that” the highest elevation of the balloon up to 300 meters to monitor an area ranging from five to 20 square kilometers and send the monitored information to the six towers especially in this regard. ”
continued the commander of Baghdad operations, saying that ” airship will be able to monitoring and surveillance in the worst weather conditions, “pointing out that” the next phase will see double the number of balloons surveillance to cover over Baghdad all. ”
and noted that “the number of trainees who are prepared to run these balloons and sustain a 30 element underwent an intensive course continued for the duration from July to early September the current, “adding that” the entry of these airships service will contribute to reducing the points of control in the capital. ”
and on the possibility of the withdrawal of military forces from the streets of Baghdad after the monument balloons, Shammari said, “We do not have case of withdrawal of the army from within the city of Baghdad, But we have a plan implemented by the Baghdad operations in the near future, according to the situation will lead to a reduction in the number of checkpoints security with the establishment of سيطرات security governor at the entrances of the city, “he said, adding” then withdraw the army gradually from Baghdad, according to the security situation. ”
said Shammari said “the current situation does not allow us the withdrawal of troops after having improvised explosive devices and car bombs under challenge existing and use all methods by outlaw groups, “pointing to” enter Arab fighters into Iraqi territory to carry out terrorist operations and thus the impact of this on the security situation in general. ”
Meanwhile, a team Ali Ghaidan, the commander of ground forces in a statement to the “long” yesterday that “security forces fired today (yesterday) was the first balloon to control and monitor the movements of the forces of terror in the belt of Baghdad.”
said Ghaidan that “pitching system airships will give us the intelligence information in addition to information that we obtain from sources other important, “noting that our plans will include the installation of three balloons in the coming period in all areas of Baghdad different to be a total of four,” revealing “an intention to security leaders supreme monument balloons in all the provinces.”
For his part, MP Hassan Sinead, President Security Committee and the parliamentary defense, in an interview to the (Presse term), “The balloons are a quantum leap from the intelligence effort,” noting that it “can shoot from a distance of 13 km to accurately follow the terrorists in any locality or alley in the capital and its suburbs.”