Baghdad is preparing to launch fireworks after the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII tomorrow
Baghdad is preparing to launch fireworks after the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII tomorrow
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 14:10
[Baghdad where]
Baghdad Municipality announced the completion of all preparations for the celebration of the Day of Iraqi sovereignty is completed via the UN Security Council vote on Thursday evening to remove Iraq from Chapter VII, noting that “the celebration will include fireworks and scattering roses.”
The statement by the Secretariat of the Agency has received all of Iraq [where] a copy of it today that “the Baghdad Municipality has completed all preparations and provided all the requirements to celebrate the completion, Iraqi sovereignty after the vote the UN Security Council on the evening of Thursday to remove Iraq from Chapter VII after he fulfilled all its international obligations in an important step to restore the role of the regional and international levels. ”
She added that “the Municipality of Baghdad celebrations on this occasion include fireworks in the sky of the capital Baghdad and raise ornamental bulletins and Iraqi flags and organizing processions wheeled roving municipal districts roaming the streets and The Panther roses and candy on citizens participation of a number of folk groups.”
The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon recommended in a report to the UN Security Council after Iraq fulfilled all Altazamth towards international resolutions issued against him, remove Iraq from Chapter VII.
Iraq live these days, historic moments, if what came out of international sanctions imposed for more than 23 years, under Chapter VII of the UN Security Council before the impact of the former regime’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990.
And consists of Chapter VII of the 13 articles, the longer resolution 678 issued in 1990 calling for the ousting Iraq from Kuwait by force, from the provisions of this chapter, Iraq is still under طائلته, because the survival of several issues pending, such as the remains of Kuwaiti citizens and prisoners of war in Iraq, and Kuwaiti property, including the archives of the Amiri Diwan, the Crown Prince’s Court, and the issue of environmental awards and oil, which is not only related to the State of Kuwait, but other Arab countries, companies claim that they do not still have some rights.
It is scheduled to hold a UN Security Council session on Thursday, reviewing the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon report on Iraq’s efforts to resolve outstanding issues with Kuwait and its international obligations and will be on the light of this report vote of the Council on the exit of Iraq from Chapter VII and converted to Chapter VI. Ended