Baghdad informs Washington that Iran is using “forged Iraqi documents” to sell its oil.

Baghdad informs Washington that Iran is using “forged Iraqi documents” to sell its oil.


Baghdad informs Washington that Iran is using forged Iraqi documents to sell its oilSumerianNews-Economy
Minister of Oil Hayyan Abdul Ghani, on US-Iraqi talks regarding the accusations against…Iraq About SOMO’s involvement in selling Iranian oil as Iraqi to help…Iran In bypassing the issue of sanctions.

Abdul Ghani said in statements to state television, “US naval forces seized Iranian tankers carrying oil and found documents indicating that the oil was Iraqi, even though it was Iranian.”

He pointed out that “it later became clear that these documents were forged, as these Iranian tankers were forging Iraqi documents to sell oil to international companies as if it were Iraqi.”

He stressed that “we spoke with the American side and explained the truth of the matter, that these documents are forged and that we have nothing to do with them, and they understood the matter.”

During the past months, information circulated about SOMO’s involvement in exporting and smuggling Iranian oil, and that American sanctions would affect the company. However, the company previously denied this information. In general, many information and stories began to circulate about “American intentions” towards Iraq…are revealed and fall apart in succession as political leaders and government figures reveal that most of this information comes from a misunderstanding between the two sides, and that much of it has been retracted by the American side.