Baghdad in preparation for the summit: a workshop in the restoration of relations, Iraq – Kuwait
On: Saturday 03/24/2012 10:04
BAGHDAD / Mustafa Habib
can be described relations between Iraq and Kuwait in the past few years to “wick fast ignition,” Vtsrih small Kuwaiti or Iraqi official was enough to collapse months of rapprochement efforts. Baghdad, but finally succeeded, after 23 years of estrangement and alienation, in a serious breakthrough with its southern neighbor.
The visit of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Kuwait, touched a raw nerve in the issue of.. relations between the neighbors, and was, according to observers, Firecracker first barrier ice accumulated.
Nuri al-Maliki, who arrived in Kuwait City on 14 this March at the head of high-level delegation cut short his trip back to Baghdad ahead of schedule to end it. Not because it failed, but to achieve success “has exceeded the limits of expectations,” according to officials, the survival of Maliki does not require a longer period in the Gulf emirate hospitality. According to government statements, the meeting achieved a breakthrough is not easy, in a retreat from Kuwait lawsuits against Iraqi Airways. After nearly twenty years, and the parties reached a few hours to settle the issue of reparations owed by Iraq because of the damage caused by the airport and aircraft at Kuwait’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990. And became able to Iraqi aircraft landing at airports without the Bank at risk of forfeiture or refusal to receive her. This file is one of the thorny files accumulated a pile on the table between the two countries, some dating back for decades. According to veteran politicians, it did not disturb the relationship of hostility days or staleness or tension.
in the thirties of the last century called for Prime Minister Nuri al-Said of the monarchy to annex Kuwait to Iraq as an integral part of it. And reiterates the same request in 1961, in the words of Abd al-Karim Qasim first President of the Republic of Iraq, and the continued perception of Kuwait by Iraqi among some politicians and intellectuals as “the province No. 19,” even after the fall of the Baath regime in 2003.
bill paid by the governments of the new Iraq for the past nine years, relates to specifically the decision of the regime of Saddam on 2 August 1990 invasion of the Gulf emirate, and was accompanied by acts of murder, robbery and kidnapping, has remained an open wound in the memory of Kuwaitis.
politicians neo did not provide an opportunity only and stressed the keenness to overcome the legacy of heavy, but the reality on the ground indicated otherwise. Vtsrih MP whether Kuwaiti or Iraqi journalist or publication of the report was enough to ignite a crisis is always a government may require months to extinguish.
Maliki’s visit today to break the tradition of “meetings failed” in previous years. The results emerged from the observers dismissed as “serious progress” in restoring fractured relationships. The government spokesman says that “the visit this time has achieved practical results in contrast to many visits took place in the past.” He said Ali al-Dabbagh said Iraq “approved payment of $ 300 million to Kuwait, while the remaining $ 200 million will be invested in common between the two countries in the establishment of an airline,” an amount less than requested by the Kuwaiti side of the former.
the visit of the rare cases for which she received warmly internally within policy circles, even opponents of Maliki, although there are reservations about the failure to inform the Parliament of the contents of agreements in detail.
, says member of a cluster of “Iraq” white Qutaiba Jubouri it “embodied an important turning point in relations with Kuwait, and put the key points that will address the most important outstanding issues” .
and remain alongside airlines a long list of issues need to be addressed, most notably the compensation that resulted from Iraq after it invaded its neighbor, Minor, as it stayed on the first pay of about $ 17 billion at 5 percent per annum of the value of its oil revenues.
and the other files Find a file waiting for the prisoners and missing Kuwaitis, who demanded the disclosure of their fate, as well as Kuwaiti property stolen during the invasion and taken to Baghdad, including the archive of the Amiri Diwan. There is also a debt of Kuwait, on Iraq and an estimated $ 13 billion back to the eighties of the last century, borrowed Saddam to fund the Iraq war – Iran.
and fell under the “past problems” Also, the issue of demarcation of the common border, which contains the oil wells was a matter of dispute and controversy for decades. The United Nations has resolved the issue in its decision No. (833) in 1993 and marked the border, but Iraqi politicians neo-called review of the delimitation decision.
In Traffic outstanding issues, take the implications of the invasion of Kuwait dimension of the most serious consideration of observers, is that put Iraq in the box Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, and this item allows the use of force against Iraq as a threat to international security, in addition to large amounts of frozen assets of financial international banks for the payment of compensation to those affected.
reveals Skinner in this regard, the parties’ agreement to “form a joint committee senior Kuwaiti – Iraq will meet after the Arab summit in Baghdad to discuss outstanding issues and the spirit of new solutions during the short period of time. ”
Some of the files to be examined not from the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait, but recent. Before about two years Kuwait announced its intention to build a port Mubarak on the island of Bubiyan adjacent to the port of Faw Iraq, to the detriment of the interests of Iraq, Navy, according to Iraqi officials.
, says the political and Kurdish lawmaker independent Mahmoud Othman said that the “timing of the visit and out with positive results for the first time aims first to support the Baghdad summit . ”
But on the other hand, the “feet of Iraq to resolve disputes with Kuwait announced a new leaf, and may be of Kuwait key to Iraq to engage in the system of the Gulf Cooperation Council”, says MP.
Iraq has as the Arab countries overlooking the Persian Gulf membership in some committees, “the Gulf Cooperation Council”, which was founded in 1981, such as sports, health, cultural, a candidate for membership in the committees of economic and political in the long run if the improved relations with the rest of the members.
According to government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh, Kuwait will participate the highest level at the top of Baghdad in the presence of the emir, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.
close to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, said post gives substantial support to Iraq seeking to restore the role of the Arab in general and the Gulf in particular.
and if all goes well, will visit Prince is the highest level since September 23 (September) 1989 , the day he met Alrahlan, Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and Saddam Hussein, Vmnha Sam Rivers and the last of the first degree, for a few months after the occupation of Kuwait and surprise the whole world.
for: Talk Weekly