Baghdad calls for Washington to continue to protect the $ 17 billion abroad
28/02/2012 19:13
Erbil, February 28 (Rn) – demanded that Iraq Tuesday from the United States formally extended the protection of its funds abroad for another year. Iraq had last year formed committees to undertake the task of recovery of Iraqi funds in a number of countries after the adoption of the law of recovery of Iraqi funds abroad by House of Representatives. and the UN Security Council voted unanimously in mid-January last three resolutions concerning the lifting of the embargo imposed on Iraq on the import of nuclear material for peaceful purposes and cancel the oil for food program. also extended the immunity of private and for the last stage of the compensation imposed under Chapter VII to the end June next year. said government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said in a statement that the Council of Ministers approved in its session today the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee on the subject of Iraqi funds abroad. and the Ministerial Committee shall establish a mechanism to ensure the protection of Iraqi funds under its nineteenth meeting and On 02/01/2012 the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers issued a circular to all ministries and departments not related to the Ministry of approaching BSA exclusively for all inquiries for the account funds the Development Fund for Iraq. Dabbagh said he will discuss the issue raised by the Office of Inspector General, U.S. on the safety act the $ 17 billion dollars of Iraqi funds and to consider the Board of Supreme Audit contact while retaining the reference for the Committee to Protect Iraq’s money in this regard. He pointed out that he was assigned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs “approached the U.S. side through diplomatic channels in order to issue an executive order by the U.S. President for the continued protection of Iraqi funds for an additional year as of 22 May 2012. ” Open: Murtaza Yousuf