Baghdad asked Washington to conduct “drones” on the border with Syria
Baghdad asked Washington to conduct “drones” on the border with Syria
04/04/2013 (00:01 pm)
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With the growing Syrian rebel control on the border with Iraq, said the flow of arms against insurgents in western Syria, a critical element in the conflict in Iraq, according to what he saw specialist site analyzes of the war.
The site said “anti-war” that legitimate traffic from Syria to Iraq, and vice versa has stopped, but the cooperation between al-Qaeda in Iraq and a victory in front of Syria amid growing desperate attempts by the Iraqi government to close the border crossings whenever Assad’s government lost control.
The Web site said, in a report on Wednesday, that the flow of insurgents and weapons from Iraq to Syria and vice versa does not stop this closure procedures, as Iraqi officials have warned that jihadis Syrians receive attribution of the Iraqi insurgency.
The report said that the players Monday adults in all this the two front victory and al-Qaeda in Iraq, the two enjoy sympathy relationship, but they convergence so that U.S. officials say it is difficult to distinguish one from the other.
The Web site said that the sectarian civil war in Syria added a new is critical to the sectarian conflict in Iraq with the flow of Western arms to Syria to reach the hands of the rebels, putting everyone, however, the best weapons.
On the other hand, is available al Qaeda in Iraq to experience solid shape a decade of fighting in Iraq, and can this organization that contribute expertise as well as its legitimacy World (at least in the circles jihadists) for Front victory, which was in the original wing media Islamist extremists and ended up to be the backbone of the Syrian rebellion.
At the same level, noted the Associated Press to two Iraqi intelligence officials as saying that the increasing cooperation between the two sides pumped new life in the Iraqi insurgency. The officials blew cites dozens of car bombs and suicide attacks that have killed hundreds, mostly in Baghdad, on the eve of the tenth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq led by the United States, which approved this month.
The agency said that Iraqi intelligence officials Monday said that the cooperation between the two organizations urged their government to request U.S. aircraft armed drones for use against insurgents. The two officials spoke on condition of anonymity because not Takoelhma speak to the media on this topic.
The report said the U.S. official stressed that people from within the Iraqi government had inquired about strikes unmanned aircraft. But the U.S. official said that the United States is waiting to respond to while offering the senior Iraqi leadership a formal request in this regard, and this is what did not happen until now.
The agency said that Iraq turned to other places as well to ask for help. This is the official spokesman for the Ministry of Defense, Major General Mohammed al-Askari said that among the recent arms deal with Russia, Iraq’s request for aircraft and heavy weapons in an effort to tighten their grip on the Iraqi-Syrian border region, where armed groups are active.
It quoted the Associated Press for Iraqi officials intelligence Monday as saying that jihadi groups have three compounds military training and logistical support and intelligence while strengthening its presence strongly about the Syrian-Iraqi border, particularly in the area of the island sprawling, seeking to turn it into a haven border two sides can be exploited. This would be a launching pad for operations to strike this or that side of the border.
The news agency Associated Press news for the Iraqi government spokesman, Ali al-Moussawi, said, “We are very concerned about the security situation in Iraq.” Moussawi said Iraqi ground forces and the Iraqi air force small fail to rein in armed activity in the border region. The Moussawi told that “this region nest of terrorist cells.”
To the agency quoted a Jordanian official in the fight against terrorism saying that al-Qaeda in Iraq to help Front victory “by all means possible, including providing weapons and training insurgents.” The agency confirms that Syria’s other neighbors, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Israel, all of them are afraid of the spread of the effects of civil war in Syria. Iraq, Lebanon and Syria share all of them with a mixture twelve similar crisp, and are concerned about the possibility of causing this conflict a sectarian war between Sunnis and Shiites and expand throughout the region.
The agency quoted Iraqi intelligence officials said they deal last month that about 750 of the victory of the Front militants, including gunmen from other Arab countries were among some two thousand armed men controlling land border long extended on the Syrian side. They said that the Syrian militants crossing into Iraq in rising to meet their counterparts from al-Qaeda in Iraq.
The agency said that most of the militants operating from the island region, which extends to three provinces in western Iraq. The region bordering the limits length of 375 miles porous, and consists of desert valleys, orchards and oases.
, Alastakarrien officials said, Iraqi cooperation between the two sides widened when Front captured the victory on two border crossings between Syria and Iraq, which allowed an area of land for the movement of militants and their work.
The gunmen were Syrians took at Rabia Elierbeh crossing in March and the existing crossing in September, according to a report on the Front victory issued by the institution Killiam and based in the United Kingdom. He remained one border crossing in the hands of government forces Syrian is Alwaleed Tanf, where Syrian borders intersect Jordanian and Iraqi forces.
For his part, the analyst Mustafa Alani of the Gulf Research Center, based in Geneva, said that “this battle where trends, and one from Syria into Iraq and another from Iraq to Syria.”
Jordanian official in the fight against terrorism, says al-Qaida in Iraq also provide “expertise and logistical support” for the group Front victory.
And adds the official Jordanian security, who asked not to be identified because not authorized to talk to the media, said that “through training, learn elements Front victory how to fire rockets and machine guns, and maneuvering in the desert land and delivering weapons to insurgents who are on the battlefield.”
The Jordanian security official revealed that training had been conducted “in the temporary camps in man’s land along the Iraqi-Syrian border.” After training sessions, so they can be usually solution to the camp so as not to leave behind a trace.
He added that “it is natural for the base to help another group carry the same ideology,” explaining that “their goal is to control the street in Syria as a step toward the overthrow of Assad and establish an Islamic state jihadist in Syria.”
According to Iraqi officials, the Front victory helps base for expansion in the area of western Iraq and the implementation of a major offensive operations against mostly Shi’ite targets.
And confirms that the high level of attacks caused by the increased collaboration with Front victory militants, who facilitate the flow of suicide bombers, weapons and explosives into Iraq.