Badr: US National Guard Law Project and the volcano may explode any moment

Badr: US National Guard Law Project and the volcano may explode any moment

07/09/2015 07:04 GMT

Badr - US National Guard Law Project and the volcano may explode any momentAgencies – Badr bloc warned on Monday, the US ambassador to continue to intervene the internal affairs of Iraq and the political process.
Bloc said in a statement, said that “Iraq has a sovereign independent country, and we warn the US ambassador to continue to intervene the internal affairs of Iraq and the political process,” asking him to “refrain from exerting pressure towards the National Guard Law legislation in its current form.” The bloc “The goal is the formation of forces to the provinces, which will be an introduction to the division,” pointing out that “the unity of Iraq is a red line we will not allow the wanton threaten the future of the country.”

She bloc “Just as we fought terrorism Aldaasha We will fight for the unity of Iraq’s land and people,” expressing extreme astonishment “at the insistence of the US – British ambassadors and exercising pressure for legislation Guard law that were not to have suspicious intentions.”

The block that was considered “a project of the National Guard, as the current law is the US project par excellence threatens the unity of Iraq, which is a volcanoes may explode at any moment aimed at tearing the Iraqi people and patient,” indicating that “this law is an episode of the conspiracy and prejudice the right of the popular crowd Champions sons who the fruit of their struggle and sacrifices kept Iraq from terrorism Aldaasha but that the law is a betrayal of the right of the righteous martyrs whose blood was the secret of victory over Daash. ”

Reference mass religious and demanded to “intervene to stop the pass this divisive as the current project, which aims to Iraq and the sons of the popular crowd, which was their presence thanks to a fatwa Jihad Ulkipaia”, calling on all the forces of the National Alliance and national forces to “unite in order not to pass this law, unless it is a the necessary adjustments to preserve the unity of Iraq and the rights and the sacrifices of the sons of the popular crowd brave heroes and fighters of the clan. ”

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