Attorney-Maliki: waiver of state law for the post of prime minister in return for the other positions are untrue

Attorney-Maliki: waiver of state law for the post of prime minister in return for the other positions are untrue

July 17, 2014 08:30

Attorney-Maliki - waiver of state law for the post of prime minister in return for the other positions are untrue[Baghdad – where]

A member of the State of Law Coalition MP Abdul Salam al-Maliki, on Thursday, the coalition stuck to the post of prime minister Nuri al-Maliki and their candidate, noting that the provision of state law on behalf of the candidates for the other presidencies is part of our rights and electoral unrelated to the prime minister.

Maliki said in a press statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, ” that “the rule of law got 96 parliamentary seats, therefore, this number gives us the benefits bigger and more from the rest of the blocks, because we are that we ignore the size of each party, this means ignoring the elections and the voice of the street and Landry What at the time of calling an election asset and exchange those sums them. ”

“The rule of law is committed to all its rights and entitlements election and acceptance to the principle of partnership in implementation of the requirement of reference and the necessities stage does not mean a waiver of the rights of our fans, because he got so he did not get it as a betrayal of those masses therefore talk about a waiver of state law for the post of prime minister in return for Other positions is the word of payoff and untrue to him only in the imagination of tune with him. ”

He explained that “we get the post of First Deputy Speaker of Parliament is beginning to take over the rest of the positions that represent part of the entitlement state law in other presidencies in her priority as prime minister and candidate only al-Maliki, because it represents the highest number of votes among the other candidates, but got his votes to the level exceeded the voices blocks the whole, therefore, It is most entitled to this position according to election data and voice of the street. ”

The MP-Maliki said “the next phase will be important and need to be greater cooperation and understandings to overcome past differences and draw a road map to help the advancement of Iraq and strengthen the foundations in the face of the challenges faced in various fields.” End