ARE YOU *%&** KIDDING ME?..Americans concede defeat in Iraq and begin to draw lessons

Saturday 24 March 2012

Follow-up – and babysit –nine years after the Iraq war, the Americans acknowledged defeat and began Istkhalson lessons.Although most of the media try to ignore the occasion and not to stop at the ugly face left by the occupation, it raised some voices which carried the full responsibility of the U.S. Army well … Government of Nouri al-Maliki..

Iraq is no longer occupy the front pages in western media, even Panevjarath continuing and increasing his victims. No one wants to talk about what is behind the occupation, nor for the defeat, nor for the security chaos, nor the absence of stability and democracy that have not yet resolved, nor the poor living conditions and the sharing of oil … Let the last one coming from Iraq of a U.S. soldier is delighted at his return to the home and to another, carefully folding the American flag, and his colleague, who filed an Iraqi child gently, and continue to the American propaganda miserable until the last moment.

But the taste of defeat to impose himself in the ninth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, a few months after the withdrawal of most U.S. troops from the country. U.S. media tried hard to ignore the occasion and concern about events in Afghanistan and Syria and the Iranian nuclear issue. No investigations of Baghdad or Erbil or Basra or Fallujah or Kirkuk or Diyala, Mosul, or … Absent speech and images and tell Ndrt analyzes and inventories account, even some semi-dark atmosphere to those that followed the Vietnam War … Before the appearance of «Rambo».

Some analysts, the rarity, wrote about the anniversary, and described the tragic situation in Iraq today, others threw all the blame on the current Iraqi government and carried the responsibility of all the tragedies of the country after 9 years of occupation and the battles, while others preferred drawing lessons and drawing lessons from the «Iraqi experience», messages directed to the administration of Barack Obama and the current administration to the next.

First in the lessons, wrote Stephen Walt, in the magazine «Foreign Policy», an article number when the first ten lessons to be learned from the war on Iraq, according to the writer: first, that the United States lost the war, a «the most important lesson», he says, must Americans recognize him so as not to repeat. Second, it is not difficult to kidnapping the United States toward war.Writer mentions that a small group of neo-conservatives engineered the war in Iraq and marketed them and the country it took place, with ease, which means that the United States is still ready to fight a war of choice again. The third lesson, the U.S. intervention in trouble whenever collapsed «marketplace of ideas» which, whenever absent, and the dialogue between citizens and officials on what should be done. Fourth, the speech on Iraq and the power of the secular middle class in the country was exaggerated.

Fifthly, you should not listen to what he says some of the exiles who have political ambitions to take over power after the war. Lesson VI, can not improvise an occupation, here’s some mention by the U.S. military reports that show the difficulties they faced in the adjustment to the situation, standardization and implementation of their decisions correctly. He says «We believe that the U.S. military is fighting force sharp intelligence. But the Iraqi examples to the contrary ». Lesson VII, should not be surprised if your opponents hp to defend their interests and in ways that will not like. Eighth, the counter-insurgency war and lead to a heinous war crimes and acts of brutality and other forms of exploitation, and the writer here mentions the atrocities committed in Haditha and Abu Ghraib prison.

Lesson IX, all this does not mean that the «planning» Best of the war will lead to better results. Lesson tenth and last is that you should re-think in the grand strategy of the United States and not the methods and tactics only, and here finds Walt that he should not focus is on how to fight another war in a way better, but on how to work hard to minimize the risk of rush to fight a new war of this kind.

Other lessons presented Bill Keller, in a commentary in the newspaper «New York Times». Keller, who admits that he made a mistake in his support for the war on Iraq in 2003, concludes and warns of two things: first, public opinion, as he says he «can not fight a war the results of opinion polls, because they often are wrong, and secondly the installation of the facts according to the political option, They must do the contrary ». «The Iraq war has taught us a lesson is that we must send to Earth Kashefi facts before you send soldiers to it», Keller concludes.

David Rothkopf in «Foreign Policy», also criticized the war in Iraq, showing responsibility to the leaders of the U.S. military. «In the wars of the Middle East, we lost more of our lives and more of our money and our reputation more than the national good, I’ve also lost our ability to assess our actions and judged on their results with a critical eye», says Rothkopf. He adds, «Yes, I have held discussions on the need to wage war or not, but we did not maintain silence raises a question of merit and skills of our military commanders, and the composition of our military and the feature itself».Author says, «I can understand the silence criticism of the military», recalling the reaction to the bad and the face of the American soldiers after the Vietnam War. But, adds writer, in the last ten years Jman things a lot and crossed the border. He explains that the defense budget has increased by 96% during the past ten years. Despite the huge spending, Rothkopf suggests, we let our soldiers on the ground zero plans and face terrible results, and a time for years to realize that it’s time to change the style of battle. «We have done immense damage to a major al-Qaeda after September 11, but because of repeated mistakes contributed to the creation of other terrorist organizations made matters worse in the Middle East … So, we can not say today that the region has become more stable and less threatening to the security of the United States than it was before setting our battle there, and spend billions of dollars it ».

For the U.S. Army and the U.S. administration of exaggerating the implications of withdrawal from Iraq, writes David Swanson in the site «up Ed