Ankara trained insurgents linked to Tariq al-Hashemi to topple the government of Maliki

Turkish newspaper: Ankara trained insurgents linked to Tariq al-Hashemi to topple the government of Maliki

Posted 26/01/2013 03:04 PM

Babinaoz – Agencies: According to a report published by a Turkish newspaper that the Turkish army is training members of the group belong to the Baath Party, called “Free Iraqi Army” to prepare the ground for the overthrow of the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, according to Ambassador News Agency.

The newspaper “Aadlink Gazette” in its report, citing intelligence sources “that the Iraqi insurgents under training at a special center for the training of police in the area Goulbasi in the capital Ankara.”

The report added that “militants linked to fugitive Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, who arrived in Turkey in the fall of 2012 then went for military training in area Goulbasi”.

According to the report, Saddam fugitive deputy Izzat al-Douri also cooperates with the Ankara government to topple Maliki, where periodic report claimed that Turkey has pledged to give control of the province of Mosul in northern Iraq after the overthrow of Maliki, without giving more details on this topic.
