And a half million citizens displaced from four Iraqi provinces because of criminality Daash
And a half million citizens displaced from four Iraqi provinces because of criminality Daash
Caused criminal acts to regulate the “Daash” terrorist displacement of more than a million and a half citizens in four provinces. came this period announced by the Ministry of Human Rights, at the time suggested by the Ministry of Displacement and Migration reception displaced from the provinces hot in hotels, yet embrace the distribution of grant displacement between 350 family in three different provinces. government and the protection of rights in the Human Rights Ministry Full Amin described in a statement the “morning” the conditions of the displaced (b miserable too). Among the difficulties start since they came out of their areas in Mosul and Tal Afar, Salahuddin, Diyala and Kirkuk, until they arrived in the province of Kurdistan which in turn prevents the entry, and even be able to them from entering collides high cost prices there. adding that the displaced people to southern and central provinces are forced to navigate the side roads, and sometimes do not have the means of transport are forcing them to walk long distances, noting that although the southern and central provinces to facilitate the process their incomes, however, the Department of Immigration delayed providing aid and a grant of 300 000 dinars allocated to them because of red tape, calling for the need to allocate and Transport for displaced families to maintain hot to the fact that most of them are walking on foot. noted the secretary that the government’s measures in dealing with the displaced families are not absorbed groomed enormous exceeded a million and a half million people displaced within the movement, displacement and wide in the cities and tubing provinces of Nineveh, Salahuddin and Diyala to safer areas. revealing that Statistics preliminary showing that the displaced people of these provinces have settled within the province of Najaf in the threshold upper holy by 298 family, and Karbala Holy by 341 family. adding that 57 family settled well within the province of Diwaniyah, while the total number of people displaced from Nineveh to camp Khazar in the province of Arbil, 350 beds, while the number in Arbil, bringing the 1700 family, adding that the camp (Badhiry) in Dohuk province received 180 family, also received the Sinjar district of more than 15 000 displaced families of Tal Afar, and numbered in hand Zammar 2,000 families either Dohuk it received seven thousand of them. director of the Department to monitor the government’s performance and the protection of rights disclosed that the number of displaced families from Diyala province to Sulaimaniyah province reached 2400 family Baltnasf between the districts of Kalar and the ridge, and the number of displaced from Tikrit to Kirkuk four thousand and 708 families, and Solomon Beck to Kirkuk, 411 beds, while the total number of displaced from Jalula in Diyala to Khanaqin four thousand and 20 beds, and Shahraban in the same province to hand Mansuriyya 1000 family, as well as 1062 families have been displaced from the village of al-Bashir in Taza to hand to Whelan province of Kirkuk. said that the displaced people from these provinces to Maysan province reached 55 family, and to the center of the city of Basra, 35 family, either to Wasit, bringing the 52 family, The number to the province of Muthanna, bringing 26 family and to Dhi Qar 10 families, which also displaced from Nineveh to Kirkuk in 1133 the family. branches of immigration in the meantime, said Director of the Department of Public branches in the ministry Mohammed disturb Naimi “morning”, “The branches of immigration in the province Diwaniyah, Najaf and Karbala began distributing grant displacement amounting to 300 000 dinars a first meal for each family displaced from the provinces hot. “He said he hoped the rest of the distribution of grants in other provinces, as well as the distribution of about 1470 ration them. He headed a ministerial delegation to the city of Karbala for the distribution process, noting that the ministry is working on a proposal to local governments for the purpose of facilitating the reception of displaced people in the hotels to house them. Also announced to provide the ministry proposal is designed to provide mobile homes in the provinces that received by, according to the decision of the General Secretariat of the Council of Minister in the allocation of 500 billion dinars, and work on the allocation of aid to be distributed among them. Affairs Department Director branches in the ministry said that the ministry has introduced a new group of food aid and in-kind within the aid Stozaaha soon to be more sophisticated. explained that the branches have increased the value of aid allocated per household of 35 Alpha to 100 000 dinars to include medical supplies and health kits and food for children and materials in kind for the kitchen, mattresses, blankets, etc., in addition to the distribution of 100 000 tent among them. donation campaign and the ministry organized a blood donation campaign in order to support the security forces in coordination with the blood bank affiliated to the Ministry of Health in Baghdad, according to the spokesman ministry spokesman Sattar Nowruz “morning.” He said, “The aim of the establishment of such campaigns is to share the Ministry’s staff in support of the security forces and support in dealing with gangs,” Daash “criminal anticipated against the Iraqi people, especially in the province of Nineveh. in the meantime, sent the Health Department Diyala shipment of medicines and medical supplies other to camps for displaced people in Khanaqin and hand Qaratapa. President of the Assembly Health Committee Diyala Najat al-Tai said “morning”: that “five trucks arrived at the camps, the health of the province of Diyala processed, in addition to the opening of centers health in the camps have been set angel healthy which to provide medical services, especially for children and the elderly. “and explained that this move will contribute to alleviate the suffering of displaced people who left their homes because of attacks” Daash “terrorist in their areas, stressing that the Council and the Government of Diyala seek diligently to provide necessary assistance to the displaced and to work on their return to their homes after securing their areas by the security services. crimes against humanity in the meantime, called for the UN High Commissioner Iraqi Human Rights representatives of the European Union mission in Iraq as crimes “Daash” crimes against humanity. said Commission member Fadel Ghraoui in statement received “morning,” a copy of which was: “The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights met, today, representatives of the European Union mission in Iraq and asked them as crimes carried out by the organization” Daash “terror against the sons of the Iraqi people for crimes against humanity.” added Ghraoui “The Commission demanded The mission also provided humanitarian assistance to the displaced who have seen their areas of fighting between Iraqi security forces and armed elements of the Daash. ”