An unprecedented campaign against the Muslims in the United States after the Paris attacks

An unprecedented campaign against the Muslims in the United States after the Paris attacks

Thursday 26-11-2015 | 3:13:05

An unprecedented campaign against the Muslims in the United States after the Paris attacksVandalism of mosques and threats against Muslims reached unprecedented levels in the United States after the Paris attacks, fueled by the US stresses the right amid the ongoing presidential election campaign, confirms what activists.

He said Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the largest Muslim Civil Liberties Association, said this happened “in a very short period of time and this is what makes him an unprecedented”.

Since November 13 the Council record the occurrence of dozens of incidents of anti-Islam, including shooting at Meriden mosque in Connecticut, vandalism at an Islamic center in Pflugerville, Texas, where smeared door faeces and fees graphitic portrayed Eiffel Tower symbol of the attacks Paris on the wall of an Islamic center in Omaha in the state of Nebraska.

In Texas alone it recorded about six infringements, where the external lights were smashed and the glass door of the mosque of your father, and in Corpus Christi Islamic Center received a threat called patrons to convert to Christianity “before it is too late.” In Irving, demonstrators gathered in front of an Islamic center to condemn the “Islamization of America.” As the oldest man military clothes carrying a large backpack and an American flag on the entry of a mosque in San Antonio and he cursed worshipers.

This incident and carried a mosque belonging to the school to suspend classes and a review of security measures.

The Council also stressed home a Muslim couple who had been shot in Orlando in Florida and say to veiled as a “terrorist” in Cincinnati, Ohio, as a passenger taxi beat and threatened the driver of the Ethiopian Christian belief he is a Muslim, in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Hooper said, “already we have seen a significant rise in the number of hate crimes against Muslims, but he has been on for long periods, and did not in this intensity.”

– Spreading hatred –

After the attacks of September 11 took place “a lot of those infringements, but in contrast has emerged to support a large group of Muslims … Today, however, we see it widely.”

After the attacks carried out by al Qaeda six days by then President George W. Bush visited a mosque where exposure to the Americans and the Arabs refused to Muslims and called for respect for Islam.

He said Hopper told AFP, recalling Bush’s visit “President (current Barack) Obama did not visit any US mosque.”

Activists say the hostile rhetoric of Islam, which intensified after the attack on the newspaper comic Charlie Hebdo in Paris in January, fueled by far-right rhetoric of the Republicans in the ongoing presidential election campaign.

He said Hooper told AFP: “I think we are seeing the spread hatred of Islam … and this is what gives a false sense of legitimacy to those who have carried out a hate crime.”

He accused the politicians to refrain from post and “refrain from confrontation and repel this growing hatred of Muslims.”

In this context, billionaire Donald Trump, who lead the Republican race for the presidency recently in a campaign rally declared that Arabs in Jersey City celebrated at the fall of the twin towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, saying that “thousands and thousands of people fired cheers of joy as he was that the building falling apart.” .

These words sparked an angry response in the city of Jersey, with his opponents in the election and the auditors of the facts.

But Trump insisted on his position, the effects of further resentment when his call for the registration of all Muslims in a government database.

– Muslims are concerned –

Half the country’s rulers declared that Syrian refugees undesirable, and last week House voted to suspend the arrival of the Syrian and Iraqi refugees until the establishment of a mechanism for tougher scrutiny of their identities.

And semi-neurosurgeon Ben Carson’s second contenders to win the Republican nomination Syrian refugees rabid dogs.

The director of the Jamaica Muslim Center in Queens in New York Imam Shamsi Ali attacks that Paris had “very negative consequences” for the Muslims, especially the center of the election campaign.

He told AFP that “Muslims are concerned,” adding that concern has spread across the border to Canada’s Muslims.

While no recorded accidents, said he had asked the police to tighten security around the Islamic Center expressed “complete satisfaction” of the response of the police.

The estimated number of Muslims in America, seven to ten million people.

Ali said, “This type of speech is not an American … this country that respects the rights of all to live and practice their beliefs. This country embraces immigrants.”

Finally stressed that “our allegiance to this country for at least one.”