American magazine: Biden should stop lying about the fate of his son in Iraq

American magazine: Biden should stop lying about the fate of his son in Iraq


American magazine - Biden should stop lying about the fate of his son in IraqInformation/translation…
A report by the American “The Federalist” magazine confirmed, on Wednesday, that Biden has a disgusting habit of spending moments in which he should offer gratitude to service members and their families, but he brags about himself and lies about the death of his son in Iraq.

The report, which was translated by the information agency, quoted the mother of one of the soldiers who became victims of America’s reckless military adventures, Sheryl Ricks, “My son was killed, and I was feeling afraid and began to shiver from pain, and this differs from Biden’s false allegations, as Biden and his wife were with their son, who died of cancer.” Here and not in Iraq, how can someone be truly heartless to say they know how I felt 24 hours after learning my son was dead?”

He added, “Biden visited a few days ago Marine Sergeant Roy Tyler Vargas Andrews, who lost his arm in an attack and was recovering in a hospital, but Biden strangely tried to shake his hand and immediately started talking about how their son served in the army, and did not say anything to the wounded.”

The report indicated, “Of all people, a president who nominally commands our troops should at least realize that service members and their families, not him, are the victims. However, Biden has a disgusting habit of talking about himself and his family.”