American expert believes that Iraq needs 20 years to get out of the current crises

American expert believes that Iraq needs 20 years to get out of the current crises

Published 07/11/2013 08:42 AM

American expert believes that Iraq needs 20 years to get out of the current crisesBabinaoz / agencies: Despite the continued killing of Iraqis each other, and increase Finally, until he almost does not matter the number of deaths every day, despite the continuing sectarian tensions, ethnic, says expert American specialist on Iraq he was optimistic than pessimistic, adding that «the tunnel Iraq is long, but in the end of the light ». Dr. said. Michael Knights, an expert at the Washington Institute for the Near East, said that «After 20 years, I think that Iraq would be out of the current ordeal, and will be a leader, and tolerant, and open». He added that «a lot of media images about the problems of Iraq where exaggerations: many killings, but less than it was. Also, murder is not in Iraq alone. And refuses Knights describe what is happening to the civil war, and says: ‘I was in Iraq during the most difficult years 2006 and 2007, but were not those years of civil war. Not now. Although many Iraqis criticize the government of Nouri al-Maliki, remains two factors: first, the keen political parties, many to stay in parliament and in the government, and secondly, is keen Kurds not to enter into a military confrontation with the government in Baghdad ». Asked about what it represents al-Qaeda threat in light of escalating attacks Finally, Knights said: «not only withdraw our troops from Iraq, withdrawn, too, spying devices, surveillance and stalking. Withdrawn giant linking capabilities satellites what is happening on the ground, probably in every street, in every home. Thus, we gave the (base) a chance to re-coordinate their activities, and continues to murder. The second reason is that the (base) benefited from the general public anger against the government, anger at corruption, chaos, and failure to provide services. Apart from the regional and sectarian affiliations and ethnic ». He continued: «The third reason is that (al Qaeda) has increased its activity in neighboring Syria, and became Iraq’s western hub, not only to be killed there, but, also, to finance the killings in Syria». Asked about his expectations about the future, through the Knights believed that Iraq will emerge from Current ordeal after twenty years, he said, adding: «I think, too, that the Iraqis will come out of the current predicament, more aware, and progress, and effectively. Inside the home and in the region. Asked about it is probably the only one who seems optimistic about the future of Iraq, he replied: «unmistakable Fahmi. Iraq in a very difficult situation at the present time. But I think that officials in Iraq, we will benefit from our mistakes in Iraq. After the invasion, we استهدفنا year by the fact that the regime of Saddam Hussein was a Sunni regime in the foundation. And Khaltna between Sunni fighters and peaceful year. Here are the Maliki government committed the same error, nor must it will arrive at where we are we are. This is what I focus on it. Not at the present time, but in the future. response to the policies of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, says Knights: «through us and our presence in Iraq, we said that the problem was not Saddam Hussein, as far as the central Iraqi regime was strong. For this, we focused on decentralization, and this we set فصلناها in the Constitution. But, after that we came out, al-Maliki returned to the central Saddam Hussein strong (…) and surrounded himself with a group of angry Shiite, if not revenge. They dominated the nominations for the armed forces, courts, and the central bank. He adds that «the basis of Iraq’s problems is no difference between Sunnis and Shiites, Arabs and Kurds. But between centralization and decentralization. Between that governs all the territory of the same, and that control of Baghdad, Iraq sentenced strong, and again, I would say that the Iraqis, someday, will choose decentralization ». , and about the responsibility of the United States from what is happening in Iraq, illustrates the Knights: «« We are happy because we are out of Iraq. Alice we are out evidence that we were convinced that we were wrong? I prefer not to focus on the past, but avoiding mistakes, and focus on the merits. Asked about this ‘beauties’, he replied: «if not anything else, decentralized constitution, which we have set, which I think it solve Iraq’s problems, as I told you. It is clear from your question that you say that we deliberately forget about Iraq, and expelled from our memories after that we came out of it. This was true during the past two years. But, here is the Minister of Foreign Affairs John Kerry is trying to put an end to this neglect, or oblivion.