America meet its objective receive 10 thousand Syrian refugees

America meet its objective receive 10 thousand Syrian refugees

08.30.2016 9:02

America meet its objective receive 10 thousand Syrian refugees[Where – Follow – up]
White House said that US President Barack Obama ‘s administration will meet its target of receiving 10 thousand Syrian refugees a month ahead of schedule so before and it was working with Congress to increase the target number a few thousand in 2017.
The White House has pledged to receive no less than 10 thousand Syrian refugees during the current fiscal year , which ends at the end of September / September.
Rice said “while the refugees receive is only a small part of our humanitarian broader in Syria and the region, the president understands the message task that would send out this decision is not the Syrian people only, but the wider international community. ”
the reception of the United States for Syrian refugees hot issue in the race in 2016 for the White House with a warning Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that insurgents who non – violent may enter the country as refugees.
he says Trump that he If elected Vsiguena Gulf states funded safe zones for Syrian refugees in order not to be brought to the United States.
in addition, the pressure from some Democrats in Congress to tighten the Syrian refugee screening process.
civil war in Syria and pushed millions of refugees to flee the country. But the United States has offered so far to resort less frequently than did the number of its allies. Germany has received hundreds of thousands and Canada by approximately 300 thousand between November last year and the first of May / May this year.