America and Turkey are negotiating in Iraq on oil smuggling through Kurdistan

America and Turkey are negotiating in Iraq on oil smuggling through Kurdistan

18:24 08/06/2013

America and Turkey are negotiating in Iraq on oil smuggling through KurdistanFollow-up – and babysit – informed sources confirmed the presence of a U.S. delegation in Iraq negotiates responsible Turkey on the cessation of “smuggling” oil through Kurdistan to Turkey. Sources said that “these negotiations comes after an increase in the power of Turkish Kurdish mafias at the expense of Erdogan’s government.”
The sources pointed out, quoting ur agency that “the U.S. delegation negotiating the expense of the Kurds in this regard.” And accuses the federal government, the Kurdistan smuggling oil through Turkish territory the contribution of the Government of Turkey. The media has been revealed through official documents belonging to the Kurdistan Regional Government for a clear increase in the declared quantities of oil compared to the quantities of undeclared. And reveal one of the documents details of the quantities of oil by monthly production and quantities of export and the remaining oil and the amounts of sales, indicating that the amount of crude oil produced in 2010 amounted to 74.2 thousand barrels per day and the average sale price was 76.5 U.S. dollars per barrel, while the value of oil is recognized in the same year 2.102. 6060 million U.S. dollars. The second document indicates private quantities of oil produced and non-Muslims in 2012 to an increase in the quantities of oil produced compared Pkmyate 2010. Where the document explains increased average daily oil production rate of 186.6 thousand barrels of oil per day (an average of 94.4 thousand barrels per day, at $ 106.17 per barrel), while the amount of crude oil non-Muslim 92.2 thousand barrels per day of crude oil amounted to a non-Muslim 3,547,196 million U.S..

M. J