Alusi reveals meetings “secret” led by the United Nations to pass important laws

Alusi reveals meetings “secret” led by the United Nations to pass important laws

24/08/2016 19:58 pm (Baghdad time)

Alusi reveals meetings secret led by the United Nations to pass important lawsSpecial – balances News
President of the Civic Democratic Alliance MP revealed Mithal al-Alusi, on Wednesday, the existence of secret movements of the United Nations and Washington to coordinate with the Iraqi parties to pass a general amnesty law, accountability, justice and the abolition of the de-Baathification law, as a prelude to acquit Tareq al-Hashemi and Adnan al-Dulaimi and participants Baath crimes in the former regime.
He said al-Alusi’s / balances News /, “The United Nations has held secret meetings with Iraqi parties intensive surrounded by everything from lack of public and mystery,” noting that “these meetings are talking to create grand national reconciliation under the terms of the road sent by the United Nations to Iraq map”.
He added that “The United Nations is pressing toward the passage of the amnesty law, and legislation other law eliminates the De-Baathification Commission and the accountability and justice,” returned the adoption of these laws as “a prelude to the abolition of the seal against many criminals from political figures, including Tareq al-Hashemi and Adnan al-Dulaimi.”
He said al-Alusi, that “the work underway by the United Nations with the Iraqi parties to create an atmosphere of tolerance for Baathist crimes in Halabja and the uprising Alcabanih and cook on low heat with the National Alliance,” noting that “the coalition began to waive the rights of the Iraqi people to the terrorists.”
And for the House of Representatives, on Tuesday, to postpone the vote on the draft general amnesty law, after the submission of the application by the Parliamentary Legal Committee.
He also confirmed that the Kurdistan Alliance MP Majid Chenkali L / balance News /, earlier on Wednesday that the political blocs continue the debate on the draft law of accountability and justice to reach a compromise formula Holh.anthy 29/33 h