Although corruption .. Zebari defiant: Abadi could not get me out of my post
Although corruption .. Zebari defiant: Abadi could not get me out of my post
Views: 1848 Published on: 30/03/2016, 16:28
BAGHDAD / Sky Press: a, c
An informed source, Wednesday, revealed the failure to extend the finance minister, Hoshyar Zebari, the upcoming ministerial change.
The source said in an interview with “Sky Press,” that “Hoshyar Zebari, the current Minister of Finance stated more than once that the upcoming cabinet reshuffle will not be covered,” noting that “al-Abadi said that could not get me out of my position.”
The source added that “some MPs revealed the operations of the corruption of a giant and offload to the state treasury by Zebari and his bodyguards led to the loss of Iraq of billions of dollars,” pointing out that “the fuel value consumed by the minister a year of 100 million dinars in addition to 500,000 dinars borne by the ministry month wage pool maintenance minister. ”
Under the reform calls that go out on the road to ending Aovernmh, Alvesad, cases and to develop appropriate official Almnasp, place draws some quarters to the need for the provisions of the ring on corruption in the Iraqi Ministry of Finance, especially as the authorities Alqdhaiah, confirmed earlier that they consider the corrupted files large in the Ministry of Finance indicated that it will reach Alaracah, degrees Alia, also indicated approached the inspector General Office of the Ministry of Finance to provide administrative investigation and the statement of the amount of damage in public money.