Alsjeri: waiver of Iraqi territory of Kuwait is a red line and a ticking time bomb

Alsjeri: waiver of Iraqi territory of Kuwait is a red line and a ticking time bomb may explode at any time

Date: 03/11/2013 06:47:03 Monday

Baghdad (news) .. said the Secretary-General of the People’s Movement MP on Alsjeri, A waiver of Iraqi territory of Kuwait is a red line for everyone and is a violation of Iraq’s national sovereignty, stressing refused to cede an inch of Iraqi territory to Kuwait.
The Alsjeri in a statement his office received Agency (news) copy of it: not the legitimacy of a that waives any single inch of Iraqi territory under any circumstances and for whatever reasons, and that such a serious decision should vote on it in parliament in particular, we do not want to pass resolutions United Nations unfair to Iraq without the consent of the people of the United Causes Taatmayora Nations to widen the rift between the Iraqi and Kuwaiti peoples and this what Antmnah.

He Alsjeri: that step demarcation of the border in this way will lead to the neglect of Iraq sovereign بأراضيه and will turn into a time bomb may explode at any time, and wondered why they should apply the decisions of the Security Council in its entirety on Iraq while neglecting all over the world? And why Kuwait insists looting of Iraqi territory know it is not right?. / End / n. P /