Allawi reveals the “secret” first encounter with al-Abadi and confirms: I learned to abolish the positions situated email

Allawi reveals the “secret” first encounter with al-Abadi and confirms: I learned to abolish the positions situated email

Monday 14-09-2015 | 5:33:52

Allawi reveals the secret first encounter with al-Abadi and confirms - I learned to abolish the positions situated emailTwilight News / reveals the head of the Iraqi National Accord Movement, Iyad Allawi, head of the first Iraqi government after the change of Saddam Hussein’s regime, that Haider al-Abadi decision of the President of the Iraqi government to abolish his post as deputy to the President of the Republic of Iraq is not constitutionally and legally and not commensurate with the national consensus, pointing out that he knew decision to cancel his post through Abadi site on the Internet.

In his interview with the “Middle East”, which was in his office in Baghdad, Allawi stressed that “al-Abadi so far has not any real reforms,” ​​announcing “the death of the political process on the political sectarianism,” and stressing that “will join the peaceful opposition in order to achieve the state of citizenship “. Allawi said he is seeking to hold an Arab roadmap conference, adding that “Saudi Arabia is the pillar of stability in the region.”

The following is the text of the interview:

* Do you have the knowledge or there was a prior agreement about Aqaltkm from your post as deputy president of the republic by the prime minister Haider al-Abadi?

– Is not a dismissal, but demand the abolition of the posts of Vice President of the Republic, and not the powers of the Abadi Aqaltna, because we do not work the staff has, probably has the right to the dismissal of Deputy Prime Ministers or replaced, The theme of the Vice President of the Republic, Their presence is unconstitutional and is installed in the Iraqi constitution and lawfully , as he had no right to interfere in the provincial councils and merge the ministries of existing law, and Abadi publication of the decision the location of the prime minister and his position is the Official Gazette, and this reminded me of the way Saddam Hussein when he was meeting with the Minister or an official while the radio broadcast his dismissal or referral of this minister to retirement. No, we did not know of his decision nor the President was aware of this decision, not the President of the House of Representatives already knows. As everyone knows, the Abadi came to this site a political consensus based on a document called an act of political reform which we and others of the House of Representatives have contributed to setting up, and ensure the program called «the government program», and this document is that came accordingly President Fuad Masum, and Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri and Abadi himself . This decision was constitutionally and legally wrong; The problem of Iraq is not these functions, the real problem is much deeper, including the existence of terrorism and extend the «Daash» and the budget deficit, including the destruction of the political sectarian and political process and the devastation of Iraqi society and the problems of displaced persons and migrants. Today young people in Iraq plunge into the sea by their migration to Europe to get rid of the bad situation faced by the country, and Abadi, instead of addressing the real problems experienced by the people, came and canceled the 6 positions .. this treatment is incorrect.

* Do you think, do you Abadi decision to cancel Mnesbkm is a kind of austerity or in response to the demands of the demonstrators?

– Frankly, I detoxified and not austere reforms nor affects the origin of problems and crises in Iraq. Abadi know that I am with him and supported him and advised him and worked as requested by me in support of the national Arab and international ocean and my relationships. He could (Abadi) to come and tell us that he does not need for the office of the Vice-President of the Republic, or ask me to resign, I do not need for the job was not my intention to participate in the work the government not for the three elements led me to this review; first pressure, which has become by the rest Political parties, with the exception of the Dawa Party, to participate in the government, secondly because I felt that Iraq is in a final path; either to remain or split apart, and for this I said it is not reasonable to give up the country at this juncture after we struggled for decades for him and for our people. The third issue, which is most important, I sensed that there is a national reconciliation a real trend, a file that Tsidit him and became a part of my responsibilities; A country can not be stabilized, and the political process will not succeed if the list has remained on the political sectarianism and marginalization and exclusion, because this was in the army or Baathist or intelligence. I had talked several times with Brother Abadi reforms and national reconciliation, the army and the crowd People’s National Guard and gave him many important for the Iraqi political situation diary, for this I do not think that Mr. Abadi had reached the core of the problem, it is a stuck-crusted, as there is not a serious procedure and concrete, and reflected positively on the political process paths. On this occasion, I would like to recall that the political process is dead, but is born dead basically, because it has under the occupation and on the basis of political sectarianism and marginalization and exclusion, intimidation and oppression and destruction, and the evidence for that is what happened in Iraq, particularly with regard to the existence of «Daash» and the fall of the Iraqi provinces in the hands of this terrorist organization, and the government does not have the ability to confront it depends on the Americans and other allies who are also not able to end the presence of «Daash», and say that it takes many years. Is this the government’s relationship with the bad and negative Kurdistan region, this is what is happening in Iraq, and the other part part, more importantly, that the Iraqis Thairon today in Baghdad, Basra, Nasiriyah, Diwaniyah and Babylon and the rest of the provinces, it, I do not know what he is doing Brother Abadi specifically, and advise him in this matter or that, especially after he exceeded his comrades and his partners in politics, at least in theory we are partners in politics, I do not think that this way of working will lead to positive results.

* Is the decision to cancel a constitutional or legal Mnesbkm?

– The decision is not constitutional nor legal nor consistent with the national consensus.

* Do you think stands in the way of the prime minister to achieve real reforms?

– Nobody. We are the first of a student and strongly for a real political reforms and overcome the sectarianism that extended even to jobs. I said many times that I do not care Shiite or Sunni or Christian or Kurd or Turkmen for this job or that comes, as much as I’d like to be a national approach. I made a real project in this area does not depend on conferences, but on the process of trusting procedures can be built upon a genuine national reconciliation among Iraqis, and I think there is no standing generally Prime Minister to carry out real reforms, and what he has done so far is not reform, but actions austerity simple and cut the salaries of six officials do not provide a lot of the state.

* How was the roof Roatbekm when I was prime minister in 2004?

– The salary of the minister four thousand dollars and Prime Minister five thousand dollars, and this ceiling in salaries came from the ministry formed by (US administrator Paul) Bremer, and was the brother-Abadi and Minister of Communications where, and brother, Adel Abdul Mahdi as finance minister, and I think that the salaries in that the government was higher than our salaries, and there was no budget, it was a Muslim budget since January (January 2004) and we we received responsibility on 28 June 2004, and practically on the first of July 2004, Bremer handed the budget in cash for ministers and the money used to come in big bags loaded with millions of dollars and the movement of private jets, and I remember when I moved sovereignty of Iraq, we handed Bremer, and the presence of Adel Abdul Mahdi, in his capacity as Minister of Finance and Shabibi in his capacity as Governor of the Central Bank, a printed list of the expenses of nearly one billion and a half billion dollars, and did not accept to sign it as it asked for details These expenses and projects that spent it and we we receive up to $ 150 million in the month of July 2004, and we began to receive oil revenues, where the price of a barrel between 28 to 30 dollars, and put the budget on the basis of the price per barrel to $ 26, and if its price increased Vendah in bank reserves Central of hard currency to secure the stability of the economy and the Iraqi dinar, and I personally commissioned «Secretariats» salary distribution to the needy.

* What is the difference between the Governments of Nuri al-Maliki (former Prime Minister) and Abadi?

– Yet there is no difference; in the era of al-Maliki lost Mosul, I do not say is responsible, and the judiciary is the one who must determine who is responsible for the loss of Mosul, and in the reign of al-Abadi lost gray, and also here not saying that al-Abadi is responsible for our loss of gray, and «Daash» dilate and become a force present on the ground, so that whenever we say: «liberated Peggy», because the armed organization and control of the Baiji.

* Do you still rule in Iraq is one-party rule?

– What is going to talk about partnership in non-real judgment, and there is no partnership, with evidence that no one knows who supposedly partners in the political process, including the so-called reform package, even the President of the Republic brother Fuad Masum, told me he had heard these actions through the media . We note that the change in the positions are only names, come the faces and the names of the same party (the call), and the Dawa Party in which freedom fighters fought against Saddam Hussein’s regime, and they finished and left the party and came new crews lead the party today and a section of the former leaders are still around, but they are not in positions of responsibility, and apparently will not get rid of the phenomenon to provide near, friend and comrade or party colleague, who is a member of the party of Prime Minister or the owner of power in Iraq, and this is a major threat, especially the existence of the Constitution, in spite of our reservations on the constitution, but the document The only existing, and despite the existence of laws and national consensus.

* Among the demands of the demonstrators that al-Abbadi of the Dawa Party, to resign as long as it is the prime minister, do you think he would submit to such a move?

– Let me reveal a secret here, in the first or second meeting I had with Brother Abadi and before the formation of the ministry, I said to him: (My dear brother, you have to leave the Dawa Party throughout assuming the presidency of the government, and you can come back, if you like, for your party after you have finished your state, but to remain in the Dawa party and the prime minister is not true). But he laughed without being given, and I thought, for being an educated man, he absorbed the story. I do not care to be al-Abbadi of the Dawa Party, but can not be prime minister and represents his party does not represent Iraq and the Iraqis, and can not call and a coalition of state law to the ruling party arrives and decides to appoint in government positions only people from members of his party and his coalition, while not gives the so-called partners in the political process and the government only fragments and secondary positions and marginalization.

I remember when I took over as prime minister in 2004, he left my website as leader of the National Accord Movement, and handed him over to the brother Imad Shabib, and I said to the brothers in the movement: When my presidency the government will come back to the movement as a member or any site Takhtaronena it, because the responsibility for the administration of Iraq is the most important ends, and appointed two of the movement in the government, not the eyes of none of my relatives, but I asked my relatives who have reopened their office business in Iraq to convey the office to another state, even my mandate as prime minister ends.

We all know what happened in 2010, when she won the «Iraq» elections despite the fraud, and insisted the rule of law to take over the rule with the support of Iran and the United States of America, and in the elections in 2014 were fraud and root on our list and fight us, and we got what we got, and we decided to cooperate with the Abadi after the insistence of political forces on the overall third term of former Prime Minister stand up, and already I met Abadi several times and we talked and I called some Arab countries to open up him and his support, and I told him: I am ready to Odamk I am not a competitor you, being a believer in Iraq and our people and integrity, building a state of citizenship and civic institutions and end political sectarianism, and a believer in the Arab Bamguena. He promised good, and we express our first year threshold on the rule of al-Abadi was not achieved anything, but what has been happening is the opposite, and doubled poverty, corruption and the collapse of the dismal political process that no longer supervised by anyone, even the House of Representatives, which represents the Iraqi people divided problems.

* If you are objecting to the political process in Iraq; why should you even today?

– I will reveal a secret; I wrote a letter of resignation on the third of May, and I intended to make, but what happened is frightening to organize Daash progress, and I found shameful to advance «Daash» We Ntgahqr without that I do my part, whatever that role, in the fight against terrorism and political sectarianism, which is one of the Bringer «Daash», this linger on this subject, and may not reveal a secret if I told you that I contacted one of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and Excuse me to mention the state’s name, at the request of the Iraqi government has asked the State sister free weapon Army of Iraq, and the response level of Arabism and promoted this state and the Gulf Cooperation Council, and made part of the aid, to be completed after their meeting with a military delegation from the Iraqi Ministry of Defense to find out their needs, but they gave was not received by the Ministry of Defence, but received by other Iraqi parties that do not know their identity . League was and still is and will remain my support through national, Arab and international my relationships, and is often said Abadi was informed that the victory over the «Daash» is a political victory, not military, and did not win politically you will not win militarily, and political victory lies in national reconciliation and the abolition of political sectarianism and the return of displaced people and respect and their return to their homes, this is what I believe in and what prevented me from presenting my resignation.

* Does this mean that you Stantgulwn row to the opposition?

– Yes, I would be opposed to such a peaceful political process in order to build on the ruins of a political process worthy of our people who sacrificed millions of «martyrs» traveling across in modern history.

* Today there is a split Shiite – Sunni and Shiite – Sunni, do you think that this weakens the political process?

– I think that this issue is a positive factor. People are tired of political sectarianism, whether Shiite or Sunni, for this disintegration began in these entities that have adopted the political sectarianism project, and this I consider the power factor if invested well, and will change the political process in Iraq, and will return the civil power National to the fore, and this is a good indicator, and proven to blocks that have adopted the political sectarianism, whether Sunnis or Shiites, that this approach does not fully address the problems of society, but that it addresses these problems is the national self.

* What is the size of external interference in the Iraqi file?

– There is a great and effective intervention, especially by Iran, and said the Iranian ambassador in Iraq who met him in my office a few days ago in the presence of members of the Iraqi National Accord Movement: You are a neighbor of Iraq, whether we like it or not, there are historical circumstances and geographical reality, but we do not accept the hegemony and intervention in Iraqi affairs at all, and political relations must be based on respect for national sovereignty and the preservation of the common interests, and we do not have anything against you, especially after the signing of the nuclear deal with the major powers; it opens the door to close the files and improving relations with Iraq and with the rest of the Arab countries, and Iraq can play an important role in the region, a condition that is not dominated by any other nation. I told him as well: We all know that there is a regional conflict going on in the Iraqi arena and the lives of our people and the peoples of the region, especially the Arab, including, in addition to Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon. This asked the Council of the Arab and International Relations meeting, and spoke these words, and issued a statement to develop a road map with the participation of all countries except Israel and Syria, which no one represented, this road map, if not met will not settle any, especially in Iraq, Yemen, Syria Arab regime, for this is required of us put Arab road map, and put points on the letters, and became an agreement that there be a meeting on the 29th of this month in New York on the sidelines of meetings of the General Assembly of the United Nations to discuss terrorism and regional security, and we sent messages to Arab brothers. Today, it is important to hold regional conference and to discuss regional security after the Iranian nuclear deal, it has issued a statement in which he said he should be discussing regional security in conjunction with the Iranian nuclear deal.