Allawi reveals a roadmap to overcome the effects of a policy-Maliki on the unity of Iraqi society

Allawi reveals a roadmap to overcome the effects of a policy-Maliki on the unity of Iraqi society

Posted 19/09/2014 10:43 AM

Allawi reveals a roadmap to overcome the effects of a policy-Maliki on the unity of Iraqi societyStarted to become clear in Iraq features geared towards exceeded deposition phase rule of former Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of being riddled with errors and cons on various levels of political, economic, security and social, where al-Maliki promised policies has weakened the links between the various components of the Iraqi society and walks of life.

In this context, revealed the vice president, Iyad Allawi, in an agreement with the political forces on the Sunni and Shiite «road map» Platform to correct the previous government headed by al-Maliki.

Allawi said his plan within the presidency in charge of the affairs of national reconciliation, he proceeded to develop the curriculum, which will run in national reconciliation, saying that the basis of security in Iraq and national reconciliation will not be achieved without security and stability.

He said, «began contacts with some job categories, and a number of them expressed willingness to enter the political process and lay down their arms».

On the approach to achieve reconciliation in Iraq, Allawi said that he is a roadmap has been agreed upon with the political forces that Sunni and Shia to correct curriculum former government and to consider the demands of the Sunni provinces six objected to the policy of Nuri al-Maliki, including the release of detainees, and to create a balance between Sunnis and Shiites in institutions State, on and off of exclusion and marginalization, which we hope is now implemented on the ground.

He added: «What helped us in the national reconciliation file recently is that there is general satisfaction, especially after the government’s decision to stop the bombing of cities and civilians, all these things began to provide for the construction of complete trust between citizens and the state, regardless of race, creed, religion and authority, which will contribute to the process of reconciliation» .

Allawi noted that «the devastation suffered by the country’s long and wide and deep and can not be resolved in several days, there are people who have been displaced and others were killed, and there are still many detainees».