Allawi announces his return to his post as deputy president of the republic and give up financial entitlements

Allawi announces his return to his post as deputy president of the republic and give up financial entitlements

Saturday, October 29, 2016 13:39

Allawi announces his return to his post as deputy president of the republic and give up financial entitlementsBAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / … The president of the National Coalition, Iyad Allawi, on Saturday, for his return to the position of vice president.
Allawi said at a news conference in Baghdad, attended / Baghdadi News /, that “the judiciary triumphed late on the unconstitutionality of the decision to dismiss the Vice President of the Republic,” noting that he “will return to his post as deputy president after he returned each of Nuri al-Maliki and Osama al-Nujaifi.”
He added, “It will resign any financial maturity and donate it to the displaced and the families of martyrs through the establishment of a fund for this purpose,” he did not concede the Coalition for the Defense Ministry. ”
He said, “It has been agreed with the President Fuad Masum, a number of points first of activating the national reconciliation as well as the activation of an article in the constitution that allows for the presidency to be a part of the executive government and make decisions as well.”
He held the presidency of parliament Allawi responsibility for inaccuracies that occurred on the decision to sack the Vice President of the Republic for being voted the reforms of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi one basket.
Turning to “change the political environment in Iraq for being an incubator for terrorism and activating the role of national reconciliation and political environment, which consequently lead to the elimination of quotas and abhorrent sectarianism to serve the national project of Iraq and its progress forward” .anthy 21 / T