Al-Zrafi sets a condition in exchange for withdrawing from his assignment .. Get to know him
Al-Zrafi sets a condition in exchange for withdrawing from his assignment .. Get to know him
04:04 – 07/04/2020
BAGHDAD – Mawazine News
Al-Nasr coalition revealed, on Tuesday, that there was a request submitted to the President of the Republic to replace Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zorfi.
The coalition deputy, Falah Al-Khafaji, said, according to the official agency, “The victory coalition, as well as Al-Zarfi, requested personal signatures from the heads of the blocs regarding the replacement of the prime minister-designate.”
He pointed out that “the appointed Prime Minister is ready and has the full ability to withdraw from the mandate if there is a Shiite consensus to change it,” stressing that “there is no consensus to replace the Prime Minister-designate with a new candidate.” Ended 29 / h