Al-Zarfi denies that he has agreed to take up a position in the new government [Text of the letter of apology]

Al-Zarfi denies that he has agreed to take up a position in the new government [Text of the letter of apology]

2020/4/9 12:36

Al-Zarfi denies that he has agreed to take up a position in the new government - Text of the letter of apology[Baghdad-Ain]
Adnan Al-Zarfi denied that there was an agreement to take up a position in the new government after he refused to assign him to form it.
Today, Al-Zrafi apologized for forming the government, and the head of the National Intelligence Service, Mustafa al-Kazimi, was assigned to him.
A source in the coalition victory yesterday said Wednesday for Zurfi promises to serve as a ministerial or high – level government Kazmi in the event of withdrawal from the task of forming the government . ”
The following is the text of a letter of apology Zurfi for commissioning: In the

name of God the Merciful

– to the sons of the holy Iraqi people who are suffering from the consequences of a pandemic Kurna 0
to all young demonstrators , the protesters in the streets to demonstrate in general Unidos oppression and injustice.
to all the poor and vulnerable who put their hopes and confidence in me to save them from poverty and diseases that kill them
peace be upon you and God ‘s mercy and blessings be upon you

feel sorry for what each to him commissioning the center of all the support Tirelessly by the masses of the benevolent and brave men of our people and patient injury.
I offer my apologies first to everyone who puts his trust in us, waiting for us to achieve what everyone wants. I have been keen to move forward in carrying out the task entrusted to me with great honor and high responsibility, setting before me a sacred primary goal which is to save Iraq and return to its right path, a stable and influential country in its Arab, Islamic and global surroundings.
In the past weeks, I have established a real beginning for an Iraqi policy based on productive and fruitful economic partnerships with countries of the world, organizing the work of the international coalition forces, scheduling their withdrawal, and building the capabilities of the armed forces.
My apology for continuing to commission is to preserve Iraq’s unity and supreme interests.
My national message arrived and it carries with it what oversees my political and professional history, when I worked from the first day, whether stated in the letter of assignment or the government curriculum to provide an economic rescue vision that raises the suffering of the people and eliminates corruption and opens horizons of international isolation and protects the national economy from international sanctions and accountability Protesters and criminals killers.
I offer my appreciation to the ladies and gentlemen of the House of Representatives who supported and supported my nomination and my assignment and my announced economic program. They endured all the threats that I carried suspicious statements that were occurring from time to time, with my sincere thanks to the president and members of the support team from qualified consultants and experts who continued the day and night and worked diligently and sincerely to help me in accomplishing my duties in a distinct manner that was the subject of praise and appreciation of all circles.
He also highly valued the role of the media sisters and brothers who were with us around the clock to document and publish our consultations, our meetings and our contacts with various political forces and societal sectors.
I will leave the experience of commissioning while I am comfortable with conscience and self, because I and someone who worked with me have strived hard and with the support of some political forces and good people to move our country to the shore of safety, stability and prosperity.
The lack of success of the commissioning experience for internal and external reasons will not prevent me from continuing to serve the people through my current parliamentary location, and I will continue to work and prepare with you for the upcoming early elections to complete the national project and develop its economic foundations for the reconstruction of Iraq, just as the developed countries of the world are. The Iraqi people deserve to enjoy the good of their country and live freely and well-being.

I ask God for success and payment to my dimension to form the prospective government amid the increasing crises and challenges that surround our country and our people.

Long live Iraq, free and generous.
Long live the patient, patient, of
mercy and immortality for the martyrs of truth and justice.

Adnan Abdul Khudair Al-Zarfi