Al-Sudani: Corruption is one of the main obstacles to the country’s advancement. We will build a strong Iraq for the coming decades

Al-Sudani: Corruption is one of the main obstacles to the country’s advancement. We will build a strong Iraq for the coming decades


Al-Sudani - Corruption is one of the main obstacles to the countrys advancement - We will build a strong Iraq for the coming decadesToday, Saturday, the Prime Minister, Muhammed Shia Al-Sudani, counted administrative and financial corruption as one of the main obstacles to the rise and failure of Iraq, while stressing that his government will build a strong Iraq for the coming decades.

Al-Sudani said in an article published by him on the Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, entitled (Iraq 2050 Prosperity, Stability, and the Return of Baghdad to Civilization and Leadership), and was followed by Alsumaria News: “These days are the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the former dictatorial regime, including the pains and tragedies that surrounded it as well as hopes for salvation from Oppression, injustice, and a move towards emancipation and prosperity. The fall of the resounding regime, which took place on such days twenty years ago, was the result of decades of prolonged oppression, tyranny, mismanagement, disregard for the country’s capabilities, and underestimation of the Iraqi person and his dignity, as a result of reckless fantasies, attempts to transcend, and aggression internally and externally. .

He added, “The fall of the regime was an inevitable result of the country’s management style, and its failure to appreciate its strength and the strength of its opponents. Instead of the country embarking on a long-awaited and long-awaited renaissance, it fell into a series of events and problems that countries usually face after they got out of the grip of an authoritarian regime.” Reckless, to a space of freedom and chaos that sometimes reached the point of chaos.

The Prime Minister affirmed: “These circumstances took a lot of time and destroyed many people’s hopes for freedom, salvation and progress. The time has come to heal the wounds and move towards a prosperous future for a brave people who deserve all good. Our people have been patient and sacrificed their dearest possessions and offered convoys of martyrs in order to liberate Man and land and purifying it from the filth of terrorism and tyranny, and he was able to draft a constitution for himself that made the Iraqi man (man and woman) his main axis and central goal, and guaranteed his rights to freedom, dignity and equality.”

Al-Sudani stated, “The constitution paved the way for building a state of equal citizenship, which must remain our goal, and we seek it despite the difficulties and challenges. It also guaranteed the country’s sovereignty, independence, and preservation of its unity,” noting that “our people are waiting for the renaissance, whose conditions they see are available in their country in the best condition.” We do not lack human resources and scientific competencies, nor do we lack natural and unnatural wealth, and so does the good land and the two immortal rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, and the geographical location, which occupies the most strategic and important locations on the world map.

The Prime Minister pointed out, “All of this has made Iraq enjoy a special place throughout history and has been a beacon of science, literature and knowledge for centuries that scholars and students of knowledge from all over come to. It is time for us to evoke these glories to be a strong impetus towards restoring Iraq’s role as a country that stands at the forefront countries of the world.”

And Al-Sudani stated, “This is not just hopes flirting with the imagination, but rather it must turn into a tangible reality, and our people are capable of that, with God’s help. What we lack is putting scientific plans and practical programs in place, and working to implement them strictly and in all fields.”

He continued his speech, saying: “We stand today on the cusp of a new phase that we seek to be the beginning of goodness and prosperity, and we are working very hard on that. We have put in place an integrated program to address the most pressing problems. And we have moved from the first moment to remove the obstacles that hinder the country’s movement forward and prevent it from advancing. Financial and administrative corruption was one of these main obstacles, and that is why we took the initiative, from the early days, to target and pursue it, within an integrated plan that we will constantly follow up, targeting its centers and tools wherever they are. And its loyal institutions in this confrontation, which is no less dangerous than terrorism.

Al-Sudani reiterated his assertion, saying: “We are determined to rebuild Iraq within a clear-cut vision and a drawn-out road map based on several stages. We have started the first stage by mobilizing the state’s energies towards construction, economic reform, and fighting poverty, as we clarified in our comprehensive government program in which we set priorities.” The second stage is economic, human, military and security development.

And he added, “Despite the major challenges facing us at the internal and external levels, we have the firm will to face the challenges, and the difficult problems and circumstances that our people went through during this period made them more aware and more knowledgeable about what really benefits them and sticks to them, and the conflicts and differences that harm them.” You will get used to it only by failure and retreat on all levels.”

The Prime Minister stated, “The ordeals and misfortunes that the Iraqi people faced with all their generous components increased them in faith, that their Iraqi identity is the solid bond that must be adhered to, and it has become clear that the sub-identities, no matter how dignified and respectable they are, cannot be a substitute for the national identity and the unifying Iraqi tent.” There is no glory except under this tent, and there is no dignity for anyone except that all of Iraq be dignified, preserved, and with its head held high among the nations.

He pointed out, “Iraq today is an Iraq reconciled with itself and at peace with others. It does not want to harm anyone, nor does it allow anyone to transgress against it. An Iraq that wants good for all, and seeks for its people to live at the level that befits it. An Iraq that needs all its citizens without exception, especially in The current construction battle.

He continued: “We look forward to serious work and cooperation with all friendly countries and international organizations to overcome the common challenges facing the planet in terms of environment, climate, desertification, increasing sand and dust storms, water shortages, high temperatures, increasing pollution and diseases, increasing poverty, poor services, and so on.” Challenges that need full cooperation between countries to overcome them, especially those challenges that cannot be limited to one place without another and are transboundary in nature.

The Prime Minister stated: “We are aware of the seriousness of these challenges, and we have full readiness. Rather, we strive with all our strength to create partnerships and join hands among countries to confront them. Iraq opens its arms to every good relationship and good partnership in security, economy, environment, and all these areas,” pointing to “We urgently need to diversify sources of income, and not rely on oil revenues as almost the only source to cover budget expenditures. Alternatives such as activating agriculture, industry, tourism, trade, and others are necessary.”

Al-Sudani continued: “We have also set plans to encourage internal and external investment and opened the doors to investors and project owners, within a well-thought-out plan and encouraging opportunities. We are aware that the construction and investment movement will need more technical and trained manpower and build more capabilities, and we launched an advanced program in this field.” In the name of the leadership program to help young people gain the necessary expertise and skills, without forgetting to build military and security capabilities.

And he added, “Development can only be achieved through internal and external stability. Internal stability means the rule of law and the restriction of arms to the state. We will not accept that there are weapons outside the security and military establishment of the state. As for external stability, it means building regional and international partnerships. As the location of Iraq is Its depth, historical legacy, regional weight, abundance of resources, and influence in the world economy all give it the ability to play a large role commensurate with its real size, and its good relations with brotherly and friendly countries paved the way for it to build bilateral and multilateral partnerships with many countries of the world. We still have a lot of these relationships ahead of us.”

And the article concluded: “Finally, I find today a favorable opportunity to launch a comprehensive national campaign for building, reconstruction, and developing services in all parts of the country. With the help of the people, partners, and friends, we will build a strong and capable Iraq for the coming decades, and we will achieve this in our next plans, which we call (Iraq 2050).”