Al-Salihi Stresses The Importance Of Dialogue To Solve The Crisis And Remove The Country From The Cloak Of The Al-Kazemi Government
Al-Salihi Stresses The Importance Of Dialogue To Solve The Crisis And Remove The Country From The Cloak Of The Al-Kazemi Government
06/10/2022 | 9:25 AM
Representative of the coordination framework, Rafiq Al-Salihi, stressed the importance of giving priority to the national interest and resorting to dialogue in order to get the country out of the current crisis and go towards forming the new government, pointing out that the continuation of the caretaker government will not be in the interest of the country.
Al-Salihi told Al-Maalouma, “There is still hope for the formation of the largest Shiite bloc through the coordination framework and the Sadrist bloc, especially since Mr. Al-Sadr often stresses patriotism.”
He added that “the framework and the Sadrist bloc should prevail over the national interest in order to break the blockage and enter Parliament as a larger bloc in order to end the existing political blockage.”
And he indicated that “the caretaker government will not provide the desired service to the country, and is moving from bad to worse, so everyone must give priority to the national interest and resort to dialogue in order to end the current crisis.” Ended 25 n